Abandoned Haunted House ComplexFull Review
2825 SE Frontage Road, Sturtevant, WI 53177(View Full Attraction Info)

✓-Free Parking✓-Paid Parking✓-Food/Concessions✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs✓-Optional Games/Midway✓-You will NOT be touched✓-Original Characters✓-Indoor/Outdoor Waiting Line✓-Indoor/Outdoor Attraction

Review Team/Author Info:
This attraction was reviewed by Team White City Devils on October 26, 2024.Team Since: | Experience: Expert TeamEditor: Team Zombillies (Master Team).
Final Score: 9.18
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Final Scores – By Attraction

What would a Halloween season be without a trip to our friends up north at none only than one of the higher-rated haunts in our area? Abandoned Haunt House Complex (AHHC) is a treat for haunted house fans and should make everyone’s list of a must-see attraction. With three haunted houses in one location, there is a ton to get into and we are excited to have made it this year. Look out on the Scare Factor YouTube channel for a walkthrough video from this attraction this year!
Cast Score: 9.12
Cast Scores – By Question

Cast Scores – By Attraction

Cast Review:
With 3 attractions and roaming actors, there is plenty to talk about regarding actor behavior and how entertaining they were during our visit. Regarding queue actors, we ran into Emily and Emily’s mom. Emily had to leave us to go “do baby stuff” and seems to be a fan favorite. Emily’s mom was trying to gather donations to take her baby out for a family trip. Everybody involved in queue acting was very entertaining and had a ton of work to do (long lines).
Inside the Stalker attraction, we had some great interactions with nearly everyone. Most of the team here actually provided dialogue. We sang Chappell Roan with the clowns on the dark ride, which is always a good time. Another great area was the junkyard. The actors here all seem to take inspiration from a post-apocalyptic Madmax-style movie. All of them had very menacing dialogue and played their parts well. Their awesome costumes were highlighted by their great personalities and completed the scenes well.
Hysteria, much like Stalker, had some great dialogue throughout. Given the theme being time travel, it allowed us to meet plenty of different characters and to interact in different bits. One of the scenes transported us back to the Black Plague era in London and we interacted with a character warning us to stay off the streets who also sang songs with us; what a winning combo!
The cast for Ambush was interactive as well as intimidating. I referred to Mother Gomorrah as “Sister” and I was corrected and will never make that mistake again. Further into the attraction, we ended up in a prison scene. One of the funniest interactions took place here; we were walking through the prison, passing inmates and one that stood out was a Hispanic guy. When we happened to make eye contact, we gave each other a small head nod to ensure respect for one another. It is always great having moments with Vatos.
Costuming Score: 9.13
Costuming Scores – By Question

Costuming Scores – By Attraction

Costuming Review:
Airbrush makeup is used to make the actors’ characters look as realistic as possible. Any exposed skin like arms, hands, neck, and chest were guaranteed to be covered. This helps the actors complete their characters with their costumes as well.
In Stalker, a scareactor dressed in a beautiful black dress was in the cemetery. The best way to describe her is that she was a mourning widow. Her makeup displayed cracks like a marble statue. Another actor before the Dark Ride had highly detailed face makeup, which looked like she received a half-Glasgow smile while wearing clown makeup, which looked like a proper combination with her costume.
In the junkyard, an actor wore an open duster that he wears open. His face is contoured to look like a skull to intimidate any trespassers. His exposed chest matches his facial makeup, which makes it look like he is skinned, and his muscles are exposed.
A few actors also wore masks that were placed tightly on their faces or tucked into their necklines to look real. An actor wearing a leather-like face mask, with what looks like staples to keep the shape of the face mask together, looked realistic. It makes you wonder where or from whom he got the skin. A particular actor had two separate pieces of a canine mandible on both sides of her jaw, creating a unique look!
Hysteria was filled with a variety of actors, but their makeup is quite impressive. The faces show signs of distress. The costumes matched their designated scenes. Inside the London scene, an actor wore a beautiful dress with many jewelry pieces and a fur shawl ready to stroll the dangerous streets of this plagued city. Also, this wouldn’t be complete without a plague doctor who looked identical to the multiple mannequins posted up.
The masks we saw were also impressive. In one scene, a belly dancer with a secondary face mask on the back of her head showed us her dancing moves while wearing a fully detailed correct costume down to the coin belt and head scarf. There was also an actor towards the end who wore a full-face animal skull mask with a black and dark red robe, which left the skull to be the main piece to see in the dark.
In Ambush, the actors did a wonderful job of keeping their makeup and costumes matching with the haunt and their respective scenes. Their makeup shows a nice amount of distress no matter what scene you are in. The nun that we first saw in the church standing silently in the corner had a full face of ungodly makeup, very demure but also very demonic. There was also an actor in the prison scene with visible facial cuts and staples to keep them from bleeding. The bellhop in the hotel wore a very convincing traditional costume.
In the hospital, there is a psychiatric ward where actors are caged in. An actor is seen moving around with chains that they may have gotten out of. Let’s not forget the stripper in the strip club! She walks around in a cute red vinyl costume and those super high heels! #baddie
Customer Service Score: 9.65
Customer Service Scores – By Question

Customer Service Scores – By Attraction

Customer Service Review:
The attraction is right off the highway, with parking signs placed right off the main street. All information is listed on the website. A staff member will also be on-site if you need help with finding your designated line.
A majority of Stalker is outside, which is listed to have a gravel path in the entrance. Inside Hysteria and Ambush, there are inclines and declines along with extremely tight paths and sometimes complete darkness.
Despite all the scariness, there are lights on the stairs and emergency exits are placed all around.
Make sure to check out the gift shop, Chrissy and Christy (hopefully we spelled your names right) were so welcoming! The photo op attendant was also the sweetest at helping us get the best pose for our pics.
Immersion Score: 9.1
Immersion Scores – By Question

Immersion Scores – By Attraction

Immersion Review:
AHHC is a large attraction. To the right of the ticket booth is an entrance with Jack-o-lanterns hanging over the walkway. This leads to a huge layout with bonfires for warmth and just beyond that are the queues for either Stalker or Hysteria and Ambush (back-to-back attractions). Stalker’s facade looks like a single flat shack that of course leads into the attraction. Stalker has great immersion throughout. Being outdoors, the mausoleum feels as though you are walking in a cemetery. With the correct cold evening, it can play into it and add a weird realistic feeling toward the experience.
Immersion between Hysteria and Ambush is also great for getting lost inside scenes. Hysteria has scenes that transport guests into different eras. One of the most impressive scenes is the castle walls. Complete with snow really transports guests into a different time period. Ambush has some insane scenes that look great and keep guests in awe. The exorcist room is one of the craziest scenes throughout the entire attraction! It’s a must-see. As a matter of fact, the entire haunt is a must-see!
Special FX Score: 9.24
Special FX Scores – By Question

Special FX Scores – By Attraction

Special FX Review:
In Stalker, the use of lights was used in different manners to create different environments. In a few pitch-black scenes, flickering white lights create a sense of uneasiness. While it gives you enough light to illuminate ahead, it lets the actors move around undetected and able to effectively execute their scares.
The dark ride is self-explanatory, an all-dark ride with hidden sensors that set off sudden deafening scares that include props. This unique section has no actors, relying on just the dark to instill fear.
Some scenes are made with regular repurposed items. Corn stalks are naturally part of the path that hides RVs and cars. The indoor scenes were well set up and fully detailed to be immersive. An intricate feature that cannot be overlooked is the flaps that separate rooms are detailed to look the same as the walls versus only plain black flaps.
With Hysteria starting with a time machine segment, it only makes sense that we travel back and see different periods of the past. The introduction to each event is grandeur! In the black plague area, the path is covered with barrels with audible water trickling down, along with random coughs. Ancient Egypt welcomes us with life-sized statues of Anubis guarding the entrance.
Cannot forget to mention the snow in the forest. It is a distinctly calm snow coming down, which is wishful dreaming since it looks like this year the winter is predicted to be harsh.
Light use varies from time to time depending on what the scenes are. Some hit their queue with a sudden burst of terrifying light and sound pops out from their hiding holes. Between scenes, the path is pitch black for what feels to be a painfully long time.
The ending can be interpreted as heaven gates being in view, twinkling lights, and a bright and optimistic light shining in that direction. Unfortunately, the only path is a claustrophobic tunnel going down to a dark cave with hues of red light and dense fog.
In Ambush, the exorcism scene is easily our favorite. A framed picture of Jesus can be seen on the wall leading up to the bed with the priests wrapped around while performing an exorcism. It is an active exorcism since the wind is blowing, causing the victim’s white clothes to flow. The chandeliers are beautiful, and the stained-glass windows light up with the lightning from outside. The crosses all around seem to have not helped with keeping the devil at bay.
Upon entering the strip club, liquor bottles sit behind the bar while a neon sign displaying “Girls, girls, girls” illuminates them. The stripper has a mini stage with an actual pole, which was effectively used.
Inside the hospital, there was a variety of props to create a chaotic scene. Upon entering the mental ward, soft padding covered the walls to protect the patients. Outside of the prison facade, a guard tower turret can be heard shooting, while a search is actively looking for any escaping inmates.
If you enjoy special effects, there is a wide array of them utilized at AHHC.
Scare Factor Score: 9.07
Scare Factor Scores – By Question

Scare Factor Scores – By Attraction

Scare Factor Review:
If there’s any doubt about how scary Abandoned is, you can watch our walkthrough video to see how many times we scream!
In Stalker, the idea of using the cornstalks is easily terrifying. Fog and light work appropriately together to help the actors hide and attack in a swift second with no warning. In some instances, flashing lights in the dark help actors maneuver around without us noticing. An example is in the silo, an actor stands there not moving, and is not seen until we get close enough to see that they are colossal! Another instance is in the body bag room where an actor hangs from a moving body bag with no movement. Passing by them was the only way we were able to see them.
The dark ride is unique when it comes to scares. This section is not run with any actors, but the scares are still there. It does not take the word dark lightly. Sensors are placed to activate loud and blinding lights simultaneously to go off together at a suitable time for the whole group to be able to see. Sensory overload is in effect when hanging wire caresses your face and objects brush up against below hip level, in the dark!
The finale was the dreadful fog room with no sight at the end. Flashing lights of assorted colors disoriented us while the fog was already blinding us. An actor stands by the very end with a revolving chainsaw and strategically stays in a section where he blends in the fog waiting for our arrival. Be sure to stay longer to see patrons run out of there!
Hysteria is filled with tight paths and is multi-floor. This, in general, helped the actors use drop panels to create sudden scares. Then, just when we thought that was the end of them, they would repeatedly pop up which was very unsuspecting.
Loud noises and air cannons were all around and were effective at scaring while being in small spaces. In one instance, an actormatronic snake made their presence while blocking the path.
The end includes a UV light vortex tunnel with whimsical music until a loud burst of air and flash of light hits from above.
The actors in Ambush used drop panels throughout to create pop scares. Another way was to pop out from hiding places and even use light and sound queues that were executed perfectly. In the hotel, we entered a suite when suddenly, an actor dropped from the beam right above the bed! The distraction of looking at the room worked well.
In the prison, loud sounds can be heard throughout. The sudden burst of someone shooting with the turret can be heard right at the beginning. We get to see an execution as well. There is a mannequin in an electric chair, and the electricity makes thunderous popping sounds.
The end includes a semi-outdoor chain link fence maze. Music is blaring, which is a smart move to cover the sound of the chainsaws waiting for us at the end. This is also another ending to stick afterward to see people running out of!
Entertainment & Value Score: 9.12
E&V Scores – By Question

E&V Scores – By Attraction

E&V Review:
Our walkthrough time for all three attractions combined was at the 60-minute mark. Yup! A whole hour of haunted goodness. General admission for all three attractions is $40, which brings the Minute Per Dollar value to 1.5, which is one of the highest on our list of haunts we have visited!
Abandoned Haunted House Complex remains a must-see in our area and must be seen in person to realize how great of an attraction it truly is. I cannot stress how impressive the team behind the attraction is and explains why this is always a highly rated attraction not just on our list, but on many other review sites as well.
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