Review Team/Author Info:
This attraction was reviewed by Team Hauntarama on October 14, 2023.Team Since: February 14, 2018 | Experience: Veteran TeamEditor: Team Zombillies (Master Team).
Final Score: 8.08
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Final Scores – By Attraction

Sponsored by the Cañon City Area Recreation and Parks District, Aftermath has been haunting the town for years, and word has gotten out as the line stretched out through the parking lot! The haunt begins at the Rec Building, then leads visitors outside to get a quick rundown of the rules and a single glow stick to serve as a guiding light for the entire group while also being a beacon to all that haunts the trail. The path leads through the sparsely lit pitch-black woods to structures that have been made into dreadfully delightful experiences. Before allowing visitors to slip away into the safety of the parking lot, they will delve again into another segment of the haunted forest.
Cast Score: 7.98
Cast Scores – By Question

Cast Scores – By Attraction

Cast Review:
The all-volunteer cast at Aftermath filled the haunt with effusive energy and devious dialogue while also helping the hapless continue along the path. The cast offered a decent variety of characters, both inside the formidable structure and watching from the imposing forest. Some character creations blend in with the atmosphere and quickly leave our memories. Some, like the animalistic being in the skull mask, not a static prop at all, will stay with us endlessly.
The dialogue varied from the tried and true one-liners to thrilling, creative, impromptu interaction. While all of the actors engaged us, one clown in particular really amped up the energy, earning a special nod. His aggressive leaping and false direction, while surrounded by his jeering clown crew slinking unnaturally, really toyed with us. This is just one of many examples of how the cast’s high energy certainly sold the show.
Costuming Score: 7.56
Costuming Scores – By Question

Costuming Scores – By Attraction

Costuming Review:
There were a few truly stand-out costumes at Aftermath, such as the towering creature, though off-the-shelf fare featured well here, too. The girl in search of eyes was quite the spectacle, even though not as monstrous as some of the others. Simply put, the masks and makeup we saw worked well.
The cast also featured full-body costumes, whether clowns or featureless-faced beings, even if just a robe. However, with the pervasive darkness lit only by a single glow stick, that was all they needed to successfully haunt the timber-lined trail.
Customer Service Score: 8.75
Customer Service Scores – By Question

Customer Service Scores – By Attraction

Customer Service Review:
The customer service at Aftermath was tremendous! At the front of the entry area, there is a small tent selling snacks and drinks for folks to enjoy while waiting in line, with another tent at the start of the attraction where another staff member hands each group a glow stick and goes over the rules and a brief rundown on the path.
There were a few spots throughout the haunt where our feet caught, tripping us up a bit, but nothing was truly dangerous. However, be forewarned that there are tight twists and turns, staircases, and other changes in level requiring a sure foot, and a couple of throwback amusements that made me feel twenty years younger and wish that I was twenty pounds lighter.
All the information about the haunt is available on the Recreation and Park District website, which has a page dedicated to Aftermath, including location, cost, parking tips, and even volunteer information for those looking to get the haunt experience from the other side of the veil.
A little bit of additional signage and something to highlight the entrance to the parking lot would help those of us unfamiliar with the area. Getting there was very easy using a standard map app, but it was unclear where to turn and which tent was which once we parked. Despite those minor hiccups, though, the customer service at Aftermath is certainly not an afterthought.
Immersion Score: 7.9
Immersion Scores – By Question

Immersion Scores – By Attraction

Immersion Review:
As soon as hauntgoers walk away from the tent with the glow stick in hand, the darkness sets in. The path is far enough from the well-lit parking lot and deep enough in nature that the senses heighten immediately. The path was scantily lit, with just the smallest whispers of light marking the way, making visitors pay attention and keep alert, all of which heightens the sense of immersion. That was even moreso the case in one of the structures, where the single glow stick is literally the only source of light to make it out of the blacked-out maze. Admittedly, we got lost a couple of times in the dark and had to back out of areas to continue along. Progressing along the path, the number of actors grew denser, further immersing us and giving the sense that scores of fiends had taken over and were running amok.
Although there weren’t any actors haunting the line, which itself stretched out into the parking lot, the atmosphere was great! Guests were visibly excited, and laughter filled the air. The end of the haunt also kept the vibe pretty well, but in a different way, as making the way back to the parking lot leaves guests in a very similar and dark environment to the inside of the haunt, which left us wondering if we truly had emerged or if there would be one last scare emerging from the dark tree line.
Special FX Score: 7.74
Special FX Scores – By Question

Special FX Scores – By Attraction

Special FX Review:
Aftermath relies on the cast and setting more than special effects. Nevertheless, there are some pretty awesome gems along the path, particularly one big one near the start of the haunt that really stuck with us and proved to be one of the most fun parts. Not wanting to spoil it, I’ll just say that it’s the first such one we’ve encountered over the years.
Turning to the sonance of the haunt, rather than pumping in sound via speakers, we were treated to the sounds of haunters plying their trade and the rewarding screams of others along the trail. The juxtaposition of those soft lights twinkling along the path, showing the way and the sound of chainsaws in the darkness, was almost poetic, and the lively cast continually assailed us with shouts and banter throughout.
The scenery helped round out the frightening feel of the haunt, bringing credibility with its craftsmanship and detail. The interiors of the buildings are stocked with great-looking set pieces with masterful staging. Meanwhile, the exterior areas don’t need much adornment, as dark woods chock full of haunters bringing the energy the Aftermath crew does is more than adequate all on its own!
Scare Factor Score: 8.16
Scare Factor Scores – By Question

Scare Factor Scores – By Attraction

Scare Factor Review:
Aftermath kept us on our toes for most of the haunt, keeping the energy high enough and the scenery done well enough that the hair on the back of our necks never quite settled until we were back under the bright lights of the parking lot. The cast also did a tremendous job of hitting everyone in our group, with cast members coming at us from all angles, including from behind, and even splitting us up at times. Given the assortment of cast coming at us from all over the place, it was almost impossible to determine where the next one would come from. Not to mention the setting itself also provided some of the disquiet itself, such as those dark and narrow hallways lit only by a small glow stick. The finale, although brief, is enough to jumpstart the heart and get the blood really pumping!
Entertainment & Value Score: 8.45
E&V Scores – By Question

E&V Scores – By Attraction

E&V Review:
General admission to Aftermath is $20, with an option to upgrade to a fast pass, which provided a significantly shorter line on the night of our visit, for $40. For a haunt with all that Aftermath offers, that is a great bargain! Coming in at approximately 20 minutes, it’s hard to beat a $1 per minute ratio, particularly where one’s senses are treated to all that the haunt provides.
If you’re in the Cañon City area this fall and looking for a screaming good time, make plans to visit Aftermath this season and embrace the fear!
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