
Use this form to let us know about any directory listings that we should add, edit or remove.

Please be sure to fill in all required fields.

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If your haunt is listed, then great! You can “Update an Attraction thats Already Listed” below.
If your haunt is Not* listed yet, then be sure to select “Add an Attraction thats Missing from the Directory” instead so we can get you listed!
In either case, you can add or update more info whenever you like.

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If updating this attraction's address, please use the old / former address ^here. This helps us verify which listing needs to be edited.


What Type of attraction are you adding / updating?
Default is "Primary / Parent." If you wish to "attach" this attraction to another listing, then choose "Secondary/Child" here.
Name of the Attraction that this listing will be 'attached' to.
Use abbreviations for US listings (Example: "IN" instead of "Indiana")
1st number in map coordinates. Can be found using Google Maps.
Choose which icon will appear for this attraction on our maps.

COVID-19 Info

Plans to Open?

Haunt Type(s)

This section determines which "Haunt Type(s)" are associated with this attraction. Also useful for users that search for haunts by "type."
For "big name" theme parks, not just multi-attraction venues.
Located in a barn
Actually floating on water
Involves staying overnight.
Actually underground.
Donates to charity?
Has a path through a corn field a side attraction for the haunt.
Usually multiple attractions at 1 location, usually including a hayride and trail or barn
A single, indoor attraction.
Usually a wagon drawn by tractor or other vehicle
Located at someone's personal residence.
A path with multiple dead ends, usually difficult to find the exit the first time.
More than 1 attraction at a single location. Be sure to select each type, too!
Ride in a truck? Buggy? ATV? Etc.
Walking path is mostly outdoors, usually in the woods.
Vehicle that drives on rails. May include trollies.
Not seasonal. Must be normally open for at least 6 months out of the year.
Involves shooting paintballs at living targets, whether on foot or from a vehicle or wagon


Link to a "user" or "channel" on YouTube... NOT a specific video or playlist.
Link to page where tickets can be purchased.
If you would like to add coupon/discount information, enter it here.
Must be YYYY-MM-DD format.
If the coupon needs to be downloaded or printed, you can put the link (URL) here."

Maximum file size: 0.2MB

If you have a screenshot of a coupon, discount code, etc., you can upload it here^. Click "Choose File" to upload. Max file size: 200kb


Public-facing email customers can use to contact the attraction for questions.
Usually found in the Facebook Page's URL/share link.


Promotional Material

Click "Choose File" below to upload.

Maximum file size: 0.2MB

Main logo image. Max file size: 200kb. Click "Choose File" to upload.

Maximum file size: 0.2MB

Grab a screenshot of the attraction's "Street View." (For example, on Google Maps) Max File Size: 200kb. Click "Choose File" to upload.

Maximum file size: 0.2MB

General promotional images. Max. Single File Size: 200kb. Max of ten (10) uploads. Click "Choose File" to upload.

Maximum file size: 0.2MB

Does the attraction link to The Scare Factor from their website? If so, upload logo image here too. Max file size: 200kb. Click "Choose File" to upload.


This area mainly for admin use. Add "Special Info" that should be displayed to the public or "Admin Notes" that pertain to this attraction, but should not be displayed to the public.

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