Guest Reviews

Guest Reviews

Guest Reviews

Attraction Name: Hollow of Unrest
Guest Average: 7 out of 10 (out of 1 reviews)
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Guest Name: Beth
Visit Date: October 13, 2017
Recommended to Friends?: Yes
Title: "2 in 1"

Score: 7 out of 10

A friend/co-worker and I heard about Hollow of Unrest from a random stranger at a gas station prior to going to another haunted house. We called and asked for ticket prices and hours because we weren’t sure if we would make it in time because it was already late. When the man on the other end said “$13 in honor of Friday the 13th” we were sold. The road that leads back to the pretty secluded area was creepy in itself. You begin in a barn where we encountered A Chucky doll sitting in a small chair in front of a tv playing static noise. We made our way through the next doorway which was completely dark and in order to get through the place I had to break my deal of “I’ll go first this time”. There are clowns, an elevator simulator and black lights. When you get on the elevator, the operator is a very “friendly” clown. When you come off the elevator, you’ll go downstairs and out the back onto a dimly lit trail. On this trail you encounter all types of creatures, and if you happen to wonder off the path, the actors are just “kind” enough to help you find your way back. There’s no lack of help that’s for sure. At the end of the trail, a very friendly clown was there with his chainsaw taunting our every step which we countered with a bolt to the car. The ticket booth is well lit and the staff is very helpful. Parking is in big grassy field. Make sure to wear appropriate shoes. I’d say set aside a good hour and a half for this haunt, and make sure to buy a t-shirt!

Features Noticed: Queue Actors/Entertainment, Gift Shop/Souvenirs
Suggestions for the Attraction: Wear appropriate footwear as part of the haunt is outside

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