2017 Top 14 Scariest Haunted House Videos

Top 14 Scariest Haunted House Videos

These videos may be too gruesome for some to handle. They contain blood, guts, gore, brutal violence, vulgar language and are some of the scariest haunted house videos we could find.


We set out to find the scariest haunted house promotional videos out there. Some of these videos may give you the creeps or goosebumps. Some may keep you on the edge of your seat. Some might just downright scare the living shit out of you! (Only videos on YouTube have been included.) We tried to find a variety of disturbing audio, gruesome characters and a plethora of fears to quench haunt lovers’ thirst for horror… Enjoy!

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14. Callson Manor

In 2016, Callson Manor joined forces with Heartstoppers Haunted House to create DireWorld Scare Park, which is situated in Roseville, CA. As shown in the video, DireWorld’s creators specialize in a “dark world of fantasy and zombie western entertainment.” Last season, DireWorld had a total of 6 different haunted attractions.

Callson ManorCallson Manor

13. Hills Horror Haunted House

Formerly located in Utah, Hills Horror Haunted House was a free, charitable haunted attraction that took place for three seasons. They do have plans to move and re-open in the future. While they’re on break, we thought we’d share their 2015 promo so you can get a little more familiar with The Coroner!

Hills Horror Haunted HouseHills Horror Haunted House

12. The Haunted Plantation

The Haunted Plantation is known as “Hawaii’s best, scariest and largest walkthrough haunted attraction.” If you enjoy this video, we suggest you check out some of their others as well.

The Haunted PlantationThe Haunted Plantation

11. The Radley Haunted House

While this attraction is no longer open, Dr. Radley’s Nightmare Machine had an immersive story. Previously taking place in St. Petersburg, Florida, we can still learn of the darkness that captured Dr. Radley and drove him to create his terrifying machine!

The Radley Haunted HouseThe Radley Haunted House

10. Missoula Haunted House

The Missoula Haunted House is produced by Roothead Studios and takes place in Missoula, Montana. This video is one piece of a 4-part storyline for their 2016 season. The full story can be found on their website.

Missoula Haunted HouseMissoula Haunted House

9. The 13th Gate

Familiar with Jack the Ripper? It’s said that he has previously made appearances within the sets of the 13th Gate, an over-the-top haunted attraction located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The video above depicts “A midnight tour of London,” where a shadowy, top-hatted figure and gruesome scenery exist.

The 13th GateThe 13th Gate

8. Camp Evans Base of Terror

Camp Evans Base of Terror takes place on a 100-year-old experimental research property and Army base in Wall Township, New Jersey. They are also an all-volunteer attraction.

Camp Evans Base of TerrorCamp Evans Base of Terror

7. Nightmares Haunted House

Presently located in the Chicago, Illinois area, this attraction says “We are what you fear.” The mastermind behind this video is Chris Collins and Venom FX. This attraction was closed for the 2016 season and may not be re-opening.

Nightmares Haunted HouseNightmares Haunted House

6. Blackthorne Screamfest

The Blackthorne Screamfest is a unique attraction located in Pico Rivera, California. It is a two-day event that consists of two haunted mazes: The Mayor and Salems Witches as well as 6 themed stages.

Blackthorne ScreamfestBlackthorne Screamfest

5. The Ghoullog

The Ghoullog contains over 15,000 square feet of scariness nestled within North Conway, New Hampshire. The characters within seem to have many ghoulish things in store for you and your friends… “Can you make it out unharmed?”

The Scare Factor Haunted House Review

The GhoullogThe Ghoullog

4. Hellscream Haunts

Taking place in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Hellscream Haunted House is a multi-story, multi-attraction event!

Hellscream HauntsHellscream Haunts

3. Phobia Haunted Houses

Phobia Haunted Houses are located in Houston, Texas and consisted of 5 haunts… all at a single location for the 2016 haunting season.

Phobia Haunted HousesPhobia Haunted Houses

2. The Haunted Hotel

The Haunted Hotel dwells within the city of Louisville, Kentucky. This is one morbid attraction and we’re pretty sure you will see that after watching this promo! The Hotel is also a full-contact attraction, so you can expect to at least get petted by your new family members… if you dare to visit them…

The Scare Factor Haunted House Review

The Haunted HotelThe Haunted Hotel

1. The 13th Gate

The 13th Gate is one of the most well-known and talked about haunted attractions around the country. With that being said, it didn’t surprise us when we saw that one of the scariest videos we came across was theirs. This is also their second video on this list. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to skip this one…

The 13th GateThe 13th Gate


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David Joseph

Nice post!!!!! Yeah, I have also some good experience on Halloween events....last time i have visited Davis for one live event zombie shooting haunted house show with my friend, Really we both are enjoying a lot with an affordable ticket price. This show organizes by Corbett's House Of Horror“FEAR FARM”, you will experience a heart-throbbing ride of fear and thrill together.

Thank you



The Haunted Hotel in Louisville my is by far the best haunted attraction I have been to!! Well worth the money and time to go!!



I really like 13th gate . And hellscream

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