Make the Most of Your 2017 Haunted Houses

Make the Most of Your 2017 Haunted Houses

Make the Most of Your 2017 Haunted Houses

Haunted Houses Experience

Making the Most of your Haunted House Trips This Year

Haunted houses are all about the experience. From the wait in line ’till you walk out the exit – and sometimes after – you’re probably going to get pummeled with actors, lights, fog, animatronics and maybe even some scents at some point!

However, most of these things are out of our control. The folks who run these attractions have been carefully plotting our demise for months… all in the name of having the scariest and most fun experience possible. Despite their freakiest attempts, there are a few things that are only in OUR control and, when we do them, it helps us make the most of our time at the haunt and , more importantly, our interactions with the scenes and actors.

Read the Rules

Before visiting a haunt, you owe it to yourself to read the rules. More often than not, they’ll give you some insight on what to expect inside the attraction(s). “Touch” or “extreme” haunts will usually clue you in about what they do in the rules as well, so don’t act all surprised and throw a fit when they run their grimy fingers through your hair or rub that chainsaw up your leg.

The Scare Factor Haunted Houses Warnings and Rules

Read their Reviews

Reading reviews from people who have been there is another great way to get some insight on what you’re getting yourself into. (Start shameless plug →) We’ve got over 700 of them written by our professional Scream Teams and customers alike that you can read right here on The Scare Factor. If you don’t see a review for a haunt that you’re interested in, contact us to request one or visit the haunt’s social media pages, Yelp! or TripAdvisor and try there (<-- Non-affiliate links. End shameless plug). Also, don’t forget to give your own feedback! Letting the haunts know what they’re doing right sets them up to create better shows and helps other customers know what they're getting into before they make the trip.

The Scare Factor Haunted Houses Reviews

Take a Screamer

Haunts are meant to be experienced with friends. While you’re figuring out who to bring with you on your scary adventures, try to choose at least one friend who’s afraid of nearly everything! Even if most of your group doesn’t get scared very easily, having someone who goes, “Eeek!” around every corner will definitely add some entertainment value.

Haunted Houses Screamer

Charge Your Phone

If the place is packed, you’ll thank yourself for having a fully charged phone for the wait in line. Ideally, the haunt will have some good line entertainment for just this reason. But, if you’re visiting a haunt that’s new to you or you haven’t heard much about them, you can never be too safe. Besides, when your “screamer” friend wets themselves, you’re going to need plenty of juice to upload those pictures… and the haunt will thank you when you “check in” with their place on Facebook when you do it.

Haunted Houses Battery

No Lights

Most haunts will tell you to keep all lighters, cell phones, flashlights, etc. in your pockets. Do as they say and don’t be cheating your way through those dark hallways… it kinda defeats the purpose anyway.

No Sandals or Heels

Sandals, flip flops, heels, etc. are just a bad idea for haunted houses. Even if you wouldn’t call yourself a “runner,” there’s always a chance the group in front or behind you might mow you down while running from that chainsaw guy in the last scene. If you ARE a runner… well… you’re probably going to be “that guy” who trips and falls when the big guy with the knife is right behind you. Just be safe and don’t be dumb; wear closed-toe shoes.

Pants Advisory

If your friends talked you into going to a “touch” haunt, but you really don’t care for being touched, you might want to wear pants. Some haunts might leave this little detail un-mentioned (unless you ask) and ankles are easy targets for that monster under the bed, so these garments can serve as your “impenetrable layer of safety.” Also, the weather in October can be hard to predict sometimes. If you wait to find out that it’s cold outside until you’re standing in line outside the haunt, you’ll be thankful you wore something that covers your legs.

Bring a Change of Clothes

It’s always a good idea to bring extra of just about everything. Hoodies and jackets are a must for cold weather. Don’t forget to keep the past weather in mind too. If the haunted woods you’re visiting just went through a lot of rain, you might end up with wet shoes and socks by the time you leave. If you’re the kind that can’t contain your excitement when you get scared, you (and the car you rode in) will thank you for having a change of pants and undies. #monkeybutt

Haunted Houses Wet Jeans

The Earlier the Better

As Halloween approaches, the number of fans who want to visit haunted houses increases. You can usually avoid a hellacious wait in line by doing a tiny bit of research in advance. Figure out what the opening dates are and visit them as early in the season as possible. Their second weekend is usually “ideal” because they’ve also had time to work out any opening night “bugs” in their show. Some haunts even give discounts early on in the season and during weeknights.

Below is an example calendar: Stars are typical dates where you can avoid longer lines and Pumpkins are dates that are usually busier. Although, keep in mind that later dates can also mean more enthusiastic performances by the actors. Don’t forget to check the haunt’s actual dates to make sure they’re open before planning your trip.

Example Haunted Houses Calendar

Check for Discounts

Many haunted houses offer discounts, coupons and contest giveaways… you just have to find them! While planning your trip, do a quick run-through of their social media pages, their website, Groupon (non-affiliate link), etc. to see if you can catch a great deal. We all love to experience the scares and fun, but it’s even better if we can save a few bucks while we’re at it.

Be Respectful

No one wants to pay for a show and not enjoy themselves, right? Well, as a paying customer, it’s your unspoken and solemnly sworn duty to behave, be sober, and be respectful of the staff, actors and other customers at the haunt. While you’re walking through, also remember that it’s THEIR job to scare YOU and not the other way around, so resist that urge to point out actors that aren’t completely hidden to your buddies. Just let them do their thing and, who knows, they might still get a scare in on someone who’s walking behind you. And don’t go so far as to hide in one of the scenes and try to give a scare yourself; fire codes make it illegal and not to mention unsafe. You can also be “the good guy” and let the staff know if you see anyone else that’s causing trouble too (which can stop an “issue” from becoming a big problem for others).

Have Fun!

Ultimately, the single most important thing you can do at a haunt is… have fun! We’d love to hear about some of the things you’ve learned from going to haunted houses too, so drop them in the comments below or leave a review for one of the haunts in our Directory.

Safe travels and, as always… Happy Haunting!!

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Deb Pearl

It is almost Halloween and my friends and I were thinking of going to a haunted house. That is a great idea to make sure we read the rules of any of the ones we are thinking of. We would want to be prepared for anything that could happen in there. Thanks for the tips!


Rhonda Obenchain

I went to the Edge Of Hell in KC MO. It was not what I remember it to be!!!! The number one that bothered me was that they used way too much fog from the "Fog Machine" when I went to Heaven. I almost choked and could hardly breathe!! I will Never go to that one ever again!!!


Joe Bulleit

Great advice for all haunt goers. Thx.


Scary Harry's Haunted Trail

Great article! One more tidbit .... haunt owners put ALOT of time and $$ into their places. As customers, you are guests in their "homes." Please treat it as such. IE. You probably don't spit on your floors at home, so don't do it in a haunt either!;-)


Kiti Williams

I work in a major Haunt and your article is on point all the way through! Thank you!


Walt Ingham

Great article! Thank you!

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