Nightmare at Stagecoach HollowFull Review
50435 Stagecoach Road, East Liverpool, OH 43920(View Full Attraction Info)

✓-Free Parking✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site✓-Food/Concessions✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs✓-You may be touched✓-Original Characters✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line✓-All-Outdoor Attraction

Review Team/Author Info:
This attraction was reviewed by Team Cleaverland on October 5, 2024.Team Since: | Experience: Veteran TeamEditor: Team Zombillies (Master Team).
Final Score: 7.78
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Nightmare at Stagecoach Hollow is a trail situated in dark ‘n’ spooky woodlands. Pervasive, foreboding darkness and the dynamics created by moody lighting and resulting shadows will test your nerves right from the moment you turn onto the driveway.
Now in its fourth year, it got started to supply a Halloween event for local youths to call their own. That’s a worthy calling and our hats are off to the creators for giving the next generation a place to start getting their haunt on. Kids of widely varying ages form the backbone of the cast. Some of the smallest/youngest are the creepiest! To begin, let’s take a closer look at those actors.
Cast Score: 7.57
Cast Scores – By Question

Cast Scores – By Attraction

Cast Review:
A fairly sizable cast awaited to torture us on the trail. The young people in the acting troupe gave it their all, alongside some older folks who rounded out the troupe. Energy levels were high, mostly due to those sprightly youngsters.
The cast exhibited a more varied slate of behaviors and more unconventional dialogues in our last visit here. Still, the actors engaged in plenty of scare tactic shenanigans.
We got locked in an ice cream truck that did not contain any ice cream – talk about a letdown! Methinks they tricked us. Jailed victims tried to climb out of their cages while yelling for help. The best actor of the visit surprised us by opening her presumably locked cell and following us while lamenting her dead cat. We got to feeling bad for this grief-stricken soul – even worse, somehow, than for the mother in the graveyard who told us between wails that ‘they’ had stolen her baby!
A wacky weirdo came charging out on all fours from behind a wall to crawl around and between us. A manic clown invited us into the circus tent and gave us tickets to play a game …better than asking us if we wanted to play a game! Actors with chainsaws vigorously attacked us! The bridge guardian demanded a token to cross. The butcher estimated how many steaks and ribs they could make out of us. A nun and a priest warned us away from their evil church.
We got mobbed more than once: a trio of masked maniacs shouted at us to run like mad, and toward the end a whole clinic’s worth of medical staff and patients pursued us. But the most interesting interaction came with a devilish character who remarked, “We’ve got some satanic s**t going on around here,” and asked which of us wanted to be a sacrifice (but also said not to worry because the sacrificial actions could be whatever we wanted), warned us not to touch the Ouija board at their feet, sent us off to the evil church, and warned us some heads were gonna roll as we walked away. Sure enough, a skull came tumbling toward us just after that!
Costuming Score: 7.9
Costuming Scores – By Question

Costuming Scores – By Attraction

Costuming Review:
Faces were transformed into supernatural visions by a mix of makeup and masks. The devil looked great in a chrome skull mask and a diabolically crimson suit, but the obviously plastic trident detracted a little bit from the overall effect. The evil church’s nun and priest garbed up in recognizably religious wear.
The butcher wore a gruesome apron that appeared to be made out of human skin and had an agonized face worked into the middle of it. Both the butcher and the butcher’s pig-headed assistant looked like they had just come out of slicing up several sides of beef…or other meat? The bridge keeper appeared ethereally ghostlike in pale makeup with delicate black detailing.
The cat mourner hauled around the poor cat’s skeleton. The three masked shouters wore different masks of skull, wolf, and devil, and they each brandished a different weapon. JJ, the chainsaw killer, had a kind of biker gang look going – bikers usually don’t wear day-glo green pants, but it worked! We also saw a cast member in street clothes sans makeup. Even though they were thrusting a chainsaw in our faces at the time, it was noticeable.
Customer Service Score: 9.88
Customer Service Scores – By Question

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Customer Service Review:
Nightmare at Stagecoach Hollow is located in East Liverpool, Ohio, on the Pennsylvania border about an hour west of Pittsburgh. GPS took us right to the spot, marked by an illuminated sign. The driveway is a tad dark and goes down an incline, so be careful when entering with your car. Free parking is on gravel.
We would say it is nearly impossible to get lost here. The ticket booth and trail entrance were clearly situated and signed, and everything else was logically laid out.
The trail did not present much in the way of obstacles to trip us up. It seemed to be smoother and safer than when we were last here.
The attraction does not operate a website. They run a Facebook page featuring important visit info.
Immersion Score: 7.1
Immersion Scores – By Question

Immersion Scores – By Attraction

Immersion Review:
The dark driveway and wooded environs made a striking initial impression, in a serial killer movie kind of way. We sat for a spell by a roaring fire between ticketing and the path down to the entrance. And then warmed up again at another fire pit stationed near the attraction entrance. There was no queue to speak of down there; group numbers are called out, so visitors can hang out, enjoy the fire, and take advantage of the photo op at the entrance while they wait.
That appealing entrance combined a kind of trellis upholding hanging orange lights, a jaggedy wooden fence, the aforementioned photo op, a skeleton-decorated facade for the Stagecoach Hollow Asylum for the Criminally Insane, and music – Sublime’s “Santeria” was playing when we made our entrance.
The woods provided a naturally immersive environment on the trail. No storyline existed that we could suss out, but a cohesive aesthetic tied the scenes together. The exit led to a short walk back to the fire by the ticketing area.
Special FX Score: 7.32
Special FX Scores – By Question

Special FX Scores – By Attraction

Special FX Review:
Nightmare at Stagecoach Hollow is one of those places where sets and scenes appear randomly without a real connection, but there is a distinctive look and feel to everything that stamps the experience with an appealing unity.
Our journey through this nightmare landscape started inside a very dark black maze that let out into a series of jail cells/cages. The devil sat on an infernal throne atop a dais decorated with a collection of cool occult objects, including a Ouija board and a bird skull with arcane markings etched into its cranium. The bridge guard asked for a coin to be dropped into a basket with a dismembered hand affixed over it. The butcher shop’s menu board advertised unusual alternative protein sources like beaver.
There were two fires outside the attraction and even more appeared inside some of the sets. We were told that every scene includes a fire somewhere, but some of them might not be visible to visitors. One that we saw was the campfire in the church camp scene – please note, apparently ‘church camp’ now is code for cannibal chainsaw murderers. Make your plans for next summer accordingly.
The technicians at this attraction showed off a firm grasp of lighting techniques. They used just enough illumination to highlight sets, provide cover for actors, and contrast with the relentless darkness surrounding the trees.
Scare Factor Score: 7.61
Scare Factor Scores – By Question

Scare Factor Scores – By Attraction

Scare Factor Review:
The very first part of this walkthrough built creepy suspense as we listened to eerie disembodied whistling in the black maze. Then they whammed on the walls from the outside to execute a one-two soft/loud cardiac attack.
As soon as we came out of the maze, a crazy crawler ran around our legs while insane asylum patients made a ruckus. The last ‘prisoner’ in line startled us by throwing open their cell door and coming out to meet us. Quite an opening!
A few very dark patches of pathway made for trepidatious travel. It was hard not to feel under attack by the screaming medical hordes at the end or a sense of kidnap-panic when shut up in the ice cream truck. Chainsaw operators, cemetery ghouls, and murderous psychos did their worst to add frights to the festivities.
Entertainment & Value Score: 7.73
E&V Scores – By Question

E&V Scores – By Attraction

E&V Review:
Walking through this nightmare took us 21 minutes. Against the $15 general admission, the MPD (minutes of in-attraction entertainment per dollar spent) came out to 1.4. That’s a good bit above the 1.0 minimum baseline we generally want to see.
The time spent on the trail was the same as our last visit, and the attraction has not raised the price one penny in two years! In fact, in what we consider an improbable turn of events, this was the third attraction in a row we visited that charged $15 for admission. What are the odds?? It’s pretty tricky now to find any place that goes for less than $20, and here we had a weekend full of them.
The lesson: good value for your haunt entertainment dollar still exists if you search hard enough. Haunt-goers do your homework, and you can find an attraction ideally suited to your tastes and pocketbook.
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