Scare USA
Full Review

1206 25th Street, Two Rivers, WI 54241
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Haunted House
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✓-Free Parking
✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site
✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs
✓-Special Events
✓-“Old-School” (Low Tech)
✓-“Hi-Tech” Attraction
✓-Original Characters
✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line
✓-Covered Outdoor Waiting Line
✓-Family Friendly

Review Team/Author Info:

This attraction was reviewed by Team Sinister on October 15, 2022.
Team Since: | Experience: Apprentice Team

Editor: Team Zombillies (Master Team).

Final Score: 8.94

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On the banks of the East Twin River in Two Rivers, WI, this all-volunteer haunt provides professional-level scares and sets that are built to perfection and as detailed as some in the movies. The actors are top-notch, and the box office offers ticket sales, apparel, and other trinkets. Food is available onsite or in the next-door bar. Be ready to be fully immersed in the haunted atmosphere as soon as you enter the grounds. To the fright-filled sets and the ill-omened characters, this is a definite not miss of an attraction for the holiday! Watch the sky for the beam of light marking their exact location, and be ready because, as they say at Scare USA, Halloween lives here!!

Cast Score: 9.35

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Cast Review:

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! You won’t find them here, but what you will find is a cast of extremely unique and terrifying abominations that will have you looking behind you in the dark for days to come!

There were plenty of monsters to carry this haunt out to the utmost level, and they came at you from every which way. They did a great job of handovers from scene to scene without much breathing time. All actors were enthusiastic and portrayed their roles expertly, from the creepy clown actor to the stalking wolf; not once did I see an actor fall out of character or be less than fully prepared for a planned or unplanned scare opportunity.

They had a nice variety of ghouls to keep the experience unpredictable and fresh. I saw beasts, clowns, creepy folks that growled at you, or some that silently brooded. They also had a tall wolfman (loop guru) and some, like the dentist, had hilarious lines, yet even those left you unsettled as you moved on. Overall, the dialog used was on point with the scenes’ themes.

Costuming Score: 9.38

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Costuming Review:

Whether wearing make-up or masks, everyone looked extremely convincing and showed no sign of the actor’s original form. There was a seamless transition from make-up to costume, and each character was quite unique. The masks were of excellent quality and custom-made for each actor, so the fit and detail were terrific. Their costumes were very well done, making them look like their assigned monster but not constricting movement or causing a hindrance for the actor wearing them.

Queue actors did a fabulous job, and one specific clown clearly had no predisposition about who he would be willing to kill. Further, the demon lady was brooding and slowly surveying her prospects of which soul she would steal next.

Customer Service Score: 10

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Customer Service Review:

This haunt is very easy to find within Two Rivers using either a phone app or their directions on the website. There was plenty of street parking as well as a free parking lot.

It is very easy to spot the location of this haunt as they also have a beacon light you can follow into the haunt along with many banners and signage indicating Scare USA. The ticket office was lit and displayed all prices. Areas to buy concessions, apparel, and restrooms were also well-marked. They had plenty of helpful volunteers roaming the premises in case anyone needed assistance. Safety was front of their mind when they designed this haunt. The narrow passages and areas where you were required to crouch down or crawl through were lit enough to ensure all could see well. There were no visible trip hazards or safety concerns.

All staff were very helpful and well-versed in the history of the haunt, the build, and the community.

The website provided extensive details and all pertinent information, including other haunt groups and many special events planned for the season.

Immersion Score: 8.66

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Immersion Review:

As you roll up to the haunt, signs and banners are on the side of an old building on the riverfront. The entrance area has a food truck set up to the right, and the Box Office and Haunt Swag Shop are a little beyond that area.

As you enter the queue area to the left, you see a scene of corn stalks, hay, and coffins to take pictures. The right side reminds me of an old cabin with an eerie front porch, behind which the haunt begins. Beat-Poppin’ music playing outside gets you excited and is not too loud but gives you that thump in your chest just enough to get your blood pumping for the adventure you are about to begin. They also have an animated video of Scare USA playing on the side of a building. What comes next is very interesting. If you get there early in the waiting line, you get to experience the “Monster March,” during which all the fiends and ghouls are released into the waiting area before they all take their places in the haunt. Their interactions are amazing, get people pumped up, and help set the tone for the beginning of the attraction.

As you enter, the rules are explained, and you are given a choice of buttons to push as you delve into the abyss. Although not theme-specific, all scenes were done with great thought and detail. Even though they kept you on your toes constantly, they did not have issues with groups getting backed up. One example was the doll room freak who sent us round and round just to play with our heads before finally releasing us.

Special FX Score: 8.85

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Special FX Review:

Sounds ranged from growling near the wolfman’s lair to a shotgun blast in the garage area and everything in between, including air blasts, creepy music, and haunting dialogue. Scene designs were incredibly detailed, and all helped to set the tone for the actors to do their jobs better. I got to talk with one of their set builders, who shared how much time was spent designing and building each area. There were not many animatronics in the haunt, but they were truly not needed as the monsters they had kept people constantly on their toes. As for props and such, they were an excellent compliment to each scene and actor and added to the overall experience, as cited earlier in the creepy doll room.

Lighting was very important in this place due to the heavy fog that permeated every corner. Flash and strobe lights were the primary form of lighting, but there were some laser lights and flickering illuminations in just the right spots to reveal a creature was waiting or chasing after you.

Scare Factor Score: 8.02

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Scare Factor Review:

All different types of scares worked well together in this haunt. Startles and jump scares were balanced with creepy in-your-face dialogue and follow scares. A lot of fear and dread loomed around every corner because they didn’t give you any dead time to catch your breath before the next scare happened. They also did a great job targeting everyone in the group, not just the lead person or the last to go through.

What started as a hilarious “wrap-up” in the Halloween Party Room ended in dread after finding out what they had in mind for the now incapacitated victim. Scares came from all directions and were unpredictable. The finale was the only thing, and I mean the only thing, in this attraction that may have been a missed opportunity. As you crawl out of a room, you find yourself in the last and very detailed room. You are asked by a gentleman how the haunt was and to yell Scare USA for a promo video. After that, you walk out with just a small jump scare to send you on your way. The exit from the crawlspace would have been an amazing place to send one last spine-chilling shiver and really make them remember Scare USA for the horror-filled place it really is. Having people participate in interviews after such a fright would have led to much more horror-filled and terrifying remarks for promo videos. After such a great haunt, they may sell more swag by moving the apparel shop to the exit area of the haunt, but that is just a suggestion.

Entertainment & Value Score: 8.9

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E&V Review:

In addition to the main haunt, there was a food truck onsite and a bar right next door for food options. Other things included an ATM machine and a ticket office that offered a wide variety of haunt items and clothing for purchase.

Special events scheduled include a blackout experience in November and a special blackout Christmas in December. They also had an event earlier where they paired with a local theatre group and di “Carrie” the musical!! Sounds extremely interesting! Finding out they also sponsor a scare/care giveback weekend to a different charity every year and a free family day for trick or treating makes them very family oriented. All dates, times, and prices can be found on their Website at

This attraction took approximately 24 minutes to complete and had a MPD (minutes per dollar) rating of 0.96. Tickets can be purchased either online or at the ticket office on-site. Tickets come in three flavors; general for $25, fast pass for $40, and a $55 now pass.

Looking for a Haunted attraction that boggles the mind with its dreadfully alarming hellions and its non-stop scares? Well, look no further than Scare USA, where they also follow Hellraisers moniker for the weak of heart, No tears please. It is a waste of good suffering!

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10/10 (4 Guest Reviews)

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