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Score Sheets are our way of letting you know how we came up with the scores for this review. Each of our review categories are broken down into several questions that we ask ourselves when we leave the attraction. Each question gets its own score from 1 to 10, which is then used to calculate the overall score for the category. After that, the overall “Final” score for the attraction (haunted houses only) is calculated by using a weighted average formula.
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Haunt Name: The Fear FarmReview Team: Team Jefferson StarshipReview Date: September 28, 2019
Cast (15%) |
Number of Cast Members Seen (not scored): |
50 |
1: Did it seem like there were enough actors? (20%) |
8.5 |
Not many dead zones, great actors in dark maze, more room for actors to pass could be good
clusters of actors interspersed with props |
2: How believable / convincing were the actors? (30%) |
7.4 |
dark maze was great, clown guide entertaining
mine was awesome, muttering miner
lots of screamers – just screaming.
tall clown/stilts
dental patient with shock prod/lolli-stick |
3: How interactive were the actors? (20%) |
7.9 |
some few were highly interactive
great with props |
4: How creatively & appropriately did they use dialogue? (15%) |
6 |
Lots of screamers
A few individuals were good – clown guide, gatekeepers, the twins in the circus
others were just one liners or screaming |
5: Was there a good variety of characters? (15%) |
8 |
5 areas, all themed |
Cast Score: |
7.6 |
Costuming (15%) |
1: How complete / finished did the costumes appear to be? (15%) |
7.7 |
90F out and humid.
OMG tall/stilt clown |
2: How creative / detailed were the costumes? (25%) |
7.6 |
some seemed off the rack, all weathered fairly well |
3: Was their makeup creative? Detailed? Realistic? (20%) |
7.9 |
too hot and humid for make-up to work well. masks had to be very hot |
4: How effectively did they use masks (if used)? (15%) |
7.9 |
masks in the dark maze were used very well. even though they were simple store bought masks, they were used very effectively |
5: How appropriate were the costumes for their scenes & themes? (25%) |
8.9 |
all themed out |
Costuming Score: |
8.05 |
Customer Service (10%) |
1: How easy was it to locate the attraction, park and navigate the premises? (25%) |
8.9 |
lots of lights, people direct, great signage |
2: How safe was the attraction? (30%) |
| 8.6 |
lots of trip hazards in dark maze
stairs were lit, some scares near stairs
outdoor trail |
3: How professional, helpful and friendly were the staff members? (25%) |
| 10 |
everyone was helpful and friendly |
4: How easy was it to find their information before you arrived? |
8.9 |
all online. easy to navigate |
Customer Service Score: |
9.09 |
Atmosphere (10%) |
1: How obvious was it that you were at a haunted house before entering? (60%) |
8.6 |
lots of signs, festive feel |
2: How well did the atmosphere prepare you for what you experienced inside? (40%) |
8 |
Atmosphere Score: |
8.36 |
Special Effects (15%) |
1: How effective were the sound effects? (20%) |
7.8 |
some sound bleed, actor driven sounds
dentist (drills), mine (knocking and sound effects), music (dr feelgood) |
2: How creative / original were the scenes & props? (20%) |
8.4 |
Animatronics were well timed |
3: How well were the scenes detailed? (20%) |
8 |
Pieces on ceiling.
Lots of static mannequins |
4: How well did they achieve & maintain the suspension of disbelief? (25%) |
7.9 |
short but immersive |
5: How effective were the SFX at providing scares / entertainment? (15%) |
8 |
Left us wanting more – as in we wanted it to continue. |
Special Effects Score: |
8.02 |
Theme (5%) |
1: Could you tell what the theme was? (30%) |
8.2 |
Each area with separate apparent themes |
2: How well was the theme carried throughout the attraction/s? (50%) |
7.7 |
some were sparse |
3: How well does their location authenticate the theme? (20%) |
7.95 |
farm and mines |
Theme Score: |
7.9 |
Scare Factor (15%) |
1: How scary was it? (30%) |
8.1 |
Lots of scares from a variety of angles |
2: How well did they provide scares to the entire group? (15%) |
8.5 |
well covered for our group of 3
animatronics timed well |
3: How predictable were the scares? (25%) |
7 |
lots of jump scares, started to be formulaic
clown and dark maze were good |
4: How well did they provide a wide variety of scares? (15%) |
7.8 |
Actor driven, lots of jump scares and screaming |
5: How strong was the ending / finale? (15%) |
7.2 |
other parts were more memorable |
Scare Factor Score: |
7.71 |
Entertainment & Value (15%) |
1: How satisfied are you with the entertainment received during the main attraction/s? (30%) |
8 |
26 min, $20 admission |
2: How satisfied are you with the entertainment that’s available with the ticket price, excluding the main attraction/s? (25%) |
7.5 |
escape rooms, putt putt, game
music + queue actors |
3: How appropriate is/are the ticket price/s? (30%) |
8 |
4: Have they effectively used their available space? (15%) |
8.3 |
room to grow
space used well
sound bleed to waiting areas |
Entertainment & Value Score: |
7.92 |
More Info:
Total Time (Minutes): | 26 |
General Admission: | 20 |
Ticket Prices: | $20 General Admission
$30 Fast pass
$45 Fast pass + t-shirt, escape room, mini-golf
Five nights are “Buy 3, Get 1 free” nights |
Minutes Per Dollar: | 1.3 |
escape rooms, putt putt, game
music + queue actors |