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Haunt Name: Dr Dekays House of Screams
Review Team: Team Teachers of Terror
Review Date: October 4, 2019

Final Score: 5.78
Cast (15%)
1: Did it seem like there were enough actors? (20%) 5
There were places where we thought they could have used an actor. For examples, use drop-down windows in walls. Use the widow to lead customers up the stairs in the beginning, and add some characters to the outside and inside queue areas. Use characters to jump out while customers are checking out the props.
2: How believable / convincing were the actors? (30%) 5
When characters are just saying the same line over and over, they loose their believability. Lady in the living room needs to say something other than “soo many kids…” The tall kid in the kitchen was too tall to try to climb out from underneath it to be believable or scary. we saw girls in two rooms in coffins. The girl with the jester needs something else to break up the coffin thing.
3: How interactive were the actors? (20%) 6
Interaction was good, not great. We appreciated the chair, but that was the only real interaction with characters that we encountered.
4: How creatively & appropriately did they use dialogue? (15%) 5
We need to hear more than “Help me” or screaming just to be screaming. We did enjoy the jester, and the red hood did call one of us by name.
5: Was there a good variety of characters? (15%) 6
We saw a lot of clowns. We heard a lot of screams. while there was some variety, there just wasn’t enough to be scored better.
Cast Score: 6.05
Costuming (15%)
1: How complete / finished did the costumes appear to be? (15%) 7
Costumes were good, for the most part. We could tell who each character was supposed to be for the most part.
2: How creative / detailed were the costumes? (25%) 5.5
We did see a t-shirt underneath a costume here and there. Some of the clown costumes looked straight from the box. We also saw a lot of street clothes. Overall, costumes were average.
3: Was their makeup creative? Detailed? Realistic? (20%) 4
Some characters looked messy, while others looked good. We feel Dr. Dekay could benefit from something around his eyes, and work on edging. It was unclear exactly what happened to him and why his face was all red the way it was. The inmate’s mouth looked very good. The jester’s look was very different, but we aren’t sure what was going on with it. It appeared muddy and we don’t understand the white sections on the face. Other characters had very limited makeup with a white wash, but no detailing. Clowns’ makeup was different from each other, some more detailed than others. We felt the good makeups couldn’t negate the confusing ones.
4: How effectively did they use masks (if used)? (15%) 5.5
Masked characters were never feature characters, but hidden in the dark. They looked like simple department store masks.
5: How appropriate were the costumes for their scenes & themes? (25%) 7
Makeup was appropriate for the scenes. It was good.
Costuming Score: 5.8
Customer Service (10%)
1: How easy was it to locate the attraction, park and navigate the premises? (25%) 9
2: How safe was the attraction? (30%) 4
There were some safety concerns in this old building. A hand railing was loose and the screws were falling out of the plaster wall on a set of stairs. Another set of stairs needed to be better lit, or maybe outfitted with reflective tape, as it posed a potential fall hazard. At the clown area, there were some exposed wires hanging out of an electrical receptacle. Watch your steps. The floor has a lot of pieces of rock and plaster that has fallen and can be a little slick, especially with being so dark. Entering the black light morgue, there is a harsh step down that also could potentially be a trip hazard. Also some objects in corners or along walls that could be a trip hazard.
3: How professional, helpful and friendly were the staff members? (25%) 9
4: How easy was it to find their information before you arrived? 9
Customer Service Score: 7.5
Atmosphere (10%)
1: How obvious was it that you were at a haunted house before entering? (60%) 8
2: How well did the atmosphere prepare you for what you experienced inside? (40%) 7
Atmosphere Score: 7.6
Special Effects (15%)
1: How effective were the sound effects? (20%) 5
There were no sounds for ambiance. There was an alarm, sounds with the chair, a growl from the werewolf dummy, and banging with the chest. There were places with no sound. All in all, sounds were average as compared to other haunts.
2: How creative / original were the scenes & props? (20%) 6
The chair was a nice unexpected addition. The lights, sounds, and movements were creative. We feel more of this unexpected creativity is needed in other places in the haunt as well.
3: How well were the scenes detailed? (20%) 5
Our main issue with the living quarter was the plain, exposed plywood and lack of a ceiling, causing the scene to loose its feel of a residence. We recognize there may be fire marshal regulations about this, but we’ve seen workarounds that help disguise the external surroundings without violating sprinkler codes. The kitchen needed something to represent a stove or fridge to help identify it as a kitchen.
4: How well did they achieve & maintain the suspension of disbelief? (25%) 3
Black curtain partitions could use some black plastic or paper added to the fabric, as they did allow light to permeate through and take you out of the moment. We saw a mop and bucket in one corner, and many used water bottles strewn about. In a corridor, we encountered a piano with what appeared to be random materials piled on it, but it didn’t seem to serve a purpose of any kind. We also encountered a ladder that appeared to be set up as a wall to prevent customers from crossing into the wrong area. There were a few places where we struggled to figure out where to go, so the transition barriers could be closer together, especially when there is a turn to make. Again, we saw too much stacked material behind curtains and propped against the walls of the hunt.
5: How effective were the SFX at providing scares / entertainment? (15%) 5
We encountered some jump scares with quickly executed sounds from actors. We enjoyed the chair and inmate. We liked the secret passage behind the book case. Compared to other haunts, the special effects were nice and average.
Special Effects Score: 4.7
Theme (5%)
1: Could you tell what the theme was? (30%) 6
We understood the theme. It took us a while to connect the house and clown setting with the basement.
2: How well was the theme carried throughout the attraction/s? (50%) 5
We just weren’t sure about clowns and jesters in the theme of Dekay destroying his patients and making them into creatures. Other than the inmate, we didn’t see any real feature creatures in the basement.
3: How well does their location authenticate the theme? (20%) 5
Being in a theatre, the doctor’s residence didn’t make a perfect match with the location, but they fit well enough for an average score. An introductory story or having the characters themselves introduce the theme as we went along could have helped make this more believable and apparent.
Theme Score: 5.3
Scare Factor (15%)
1: How scary was it? (30%) 5
There were times of anticipation with the chair, and startles here and there with loud pops. Other than the chair, we need more to talk about when we leave.
2: How well did they provide scares to the entire group? (15%) 5
Most scares came toward the front. Those in the middle and end got some, but didn’t get as much attention.
3: How predictable were the scares? (25%) 6
Less scares for the middle and back made the frights more predictable and less effective for them. We walked up on some hidden cast. Using some distractions with the scares would be helpful.
4: How well did they provide a wide variety of scares? (15%) 6
There were sounds, interactions, and space used to make us uncomfortable. While they were average, we feel there needs to be more.
5: How strong was the ending / finale? (15%) 5
With the ending leading to steps, there are limitations to the grand finale. While the jester threatened us, and we spied an arm reach out from behind the wall, and a girl begging for help, we didn’t feel this was “grand finale” material. There needs to be something shocking or outrageous, but caution needed to keep folks from piling up the stairs.
Scare Factor Score: 5
Entertainment & Value (15%)
1: How satisfied are you with the entertainment received during the main attraction/s? (30%) 5
We were entertained, no more than other haunts we have been to. Entertainment was average to other places.
2: How satisfied are you with the entertainment that’s available with the ticket price, excluding the main attraction/s? (25%) 4
A working projector is a good idea for those waiting to go in the haunt. Some more dressed cast members to roam around for photo ops and scares would be helpful. We would like to see some pre-haunt music or creepy sounds going too.
3: How appropriate is/are the ticket price/s? (30%) 5
We like the fact that ticket sales help repair the Ro-Na. Prices are appropriate for the entertainment offered here.
4: Have they effectively used their available space? (15%) 5
Hide unnecessary materials and theatre seating, if possible.
Entertainment & Value Score: 4.75

More Info:

Total Time (Minutes):11
General Admission:10
Ticket Prices:General admission $10 $25 break IN
Minutes Per Dollar:1.1
A working projector is a good idea for those waiting to go in the haunt. Some more dressed cast members to roam around for photo ops and scares would be helpful. We would like to see some pre-haunt music or creepy sounds going too.

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