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Haunt Name: Terror Field
Review Team: Team Skelegore
Review Date: October 9, 2021

Final Score: 8.88
Cast (15%)
Number of Cast Members Seen (not scored): 35
1: Did it seem like there were enough actors? (20%) 9.5
2: How believable / convincing were the actors? (30%) 9
3: How interactive were the actors? (20%) 9
4: How creatively & appropriately did they use dialogue? (15%) 8.5
5: Was there a good variety of characters? (15%) 8.88
Cast Score: 9.01
Costuming (15%)
1: How complete / finished did the costumes appear to be? (15%) 9.25
2: How creative / detailed were the costumes? (25%) 8.5
3: Was their makeup creative? Detailed? Realistic? (20%) 9
4: How effectively did they use masks (if used)? (15%) 9
5: How appropriate were the costumes for their scenes & themes? (25%) 9.75
Costuming Score: 9.1
Customer Service (10%)
1: How easy was it to locate the attraction, park and navigate the premises? (25%) 8.38
Some signs or lights, or the person manning the entrance/exit of the haunt would help point people in the right direction for the concession area.
2: How safe was the attraction? (30%) 8
3: How professional, helpful and friendly were the staff members? (25%) 8.75
The ticket taker that rips the end off of the ticket did not seem to be very happy with being where she was. When she did talk to guests, it was very monotone and almost bored sounding. Maybe she was having a bad night.
4: How easy was it to find their information before you arrived? 9.13
Customer Service Score: 8.51
Atmosphere (10%)
1: How obvious was it that you were at a haunted house before entering? (60%) 8.63
2: How well did the atmosphere prepare you for what you experienced inside? (40%) 7
Atmosphere Score: 7.98
Special Effects (15%)
1: How effective were the sound effects? (20%) 9.25
2: How creative / original were the scenes & props? (20%) 9.25
3: How well were the scenes detailed? (20%) 9.63
4: How well did they achieve & maintain the suspension of disbelief? (25%) 9
Watch out for phones and such left where they can be seen. It takes away from the realism.
5: How effective were the SFX at providing scares / entertainment? (15%) 9.13
Special Effects Score: 9.25
Theme (5%)
1: Could you tell what the theme was? (30%) 9.25
2: How well was the theme carried throughout the attraction/s? (50%) 9.25
3: How well does their location authenticate the theme? (20%) 7.75
Theme Score: 8.95
Scare Factor (15%)
1: How scary was it? (30%) 9.75
2: How well did they provide scares to the entire group? (15%) 9.25
3: How predictable were the scares? (25%) 9.5
4: How well did they provide a wide variety of scares? (15%) 9.38
5: How strong was the ending / finale? (15%) 7.25
Scare Factor Score: 9.18
Entertainment & Value (15%)
1: How satisfied are you with the entertainment received during the main attraction/s? (30%) 9.5
2: How satisfied are you with the entertainment that’s available with the ticket price, excluding the main attraction/s? (25%) 6.5
3: How appropriate is/are the ticket price/s? (30%) 9.63
4: Have they effectively used their available space? (15%) 8.75
Entertainment & Value Score: 8.68

More Info:

Total Time (Minutes):11
General Admission:16
Ticket Prices:GA – $16 online and at the door. $1.50 added to online orders.
Minutes Per Dollar:0.69

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