✓-Free Parking✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site✓-Food/Concessions✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs✓-“Old-School” (Low Tech)✓-You may be touched✓-Original Characters✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line✓-Indoor/Outdoor Attraction

Review Team/Author Info:
This attraction was reviewed by Team Zombillies on October 19, 2024.Team Since: September 1, 2010 | Experience: Master TeamEditor: Team Zombillies (Master Team).
Final Score: 7
Final Scores – By Category

Final Scores – By Attraction

The Haunted Prison in Van Buren, Arkansas, has become a cornerstone of the local haunt community. It doesn’t stop there – just outside the prison walls lies a haunted trail where the prisoners who have escaped now lurk in the woods and abandoned shacks! And trust us, these guys are still on the loose, so you’re never really safe!
The attraction leaned heavily into an old-school scare approach, where actors emerged from the darkness, popped out unexpectedly, or quietly stalked us along the trail. Instead of relying on high-tech effects or flashy visuals, the focus was on creating unsettling moments with raw, in-your-face scares. Disorienting strobes, a seemingly endless maze, and the unsettling presence of random prisoners kept us on edge.
But as we always say, never trust a clown – especially not here, where they seemed to be everywhere. With their maniacal grins and antics, these clowns took fear to another level. The real question is: would we make it out alive or fall prey to the unrelenting wrath of the clowns, forever trapped in their twisted three-ring terrors?
Cast Score: 6.37
Cast Scores – By Question

Cast Scores – By Attraction

Cast Review:
The cast inside the Haunted Prison left room for improvement, with most actors delivering quick lines or loud screams before retreating, which limited their engagement with us. There were a few sudden surprises, like the bushman who emerged to follow us and point the way, but characters frequently resorted to generic phrases like “Go, get out of here!” and “Leave!” without much variation. We kept telling them we weren’t ready to leave as we had just arrived. One even flashed us a peace sign as we walked by, which broke character and took us out of the moment. While Ghost Face managed to startle us, the cast seemed to lack the training and energy to immerse us fully in the experience.
On the trail, the performances showed a slight improvement, though the dialogue was still repetitive at times. We encountered a character slamming a weapon on a car for shock value, another bushman simply telling us to “get out,” and a pigman sniffing us out with unsettling intensity. Another bushman loudly yelled at us, and a birdman stood out with his ability to surprise us both in front and behind – he was crawling around all over the place! The creature in the church left a lasting impression with eerie, guttural sounds.
The clowns at the finale loudly screamed at us at a time when our sense of hearing was already compromised, adding to the intensity of the area. We thought they were never going to let us out!
Overall, the haunt would benefit from more characters and a greater variety of interactions, as many of the actors felt like they were performing similar roles. The lack of actors also contributed to the sense of repetition. On a brighter note, the two clowns roaming the queue brought lively energy and kept us on edge, popping up along the trail and adding some much-needed variety and playfulness.
Costuming Score: 6.77
Costuming Scores – By Question

Costuming Scores – By Attraction

Costuming Review:
Regarding the costuming at The Haunted Prison, the variety was… unique. Some characters’ looks fully embraced their roles, while others could use a little extra help in the makeup and wardrobe department.
The prison had a darker atmosphere, so the costumes weren’t meant to be seen in the light. We were greeted by a devil donning a plastic mask and some dark clothes. Meanwhile, a blood-soaked white dress with hair hanging over the face did bring a nice, creepy “girl from a horror movie” vibe. However, the clowns in the medical room seemed out of place, with mismatched costumes and barely any makeup. They looked like they’d wandered in from a circus sideshow but forgot their full kit. The striped prisoner knew where he belonged, bringing a more cohesive (if classic) look to the jail cell.
Out on the trail, we ran into more costuming confusion. A bushman… in a doll room? It’s not exactly a match made in Haunting Heaven, but at least one more blended well with the woods between scenes. Another cast member had her mouth distorted, but the camo jacket screamed more “duck hunting” to us; she was also wielding a bat – all we know is she had a menacing stare, so we weren’t about to make her mad.
The creature lurking in the church nailed it – this was hands-down the best costume we had seen all night! The pig guy had a complete outfit, and the bird guy was unique. Some of the clowns also had stand-out looks.
And finally, let’s not forget the two roaming clowns. They looked great and stuck to their roles, popping up in different spots and keeping the unsettling vibe alive.
In summary, some costumes hit the mark, but others could use a little extra TLC to really drive home the terror. There was a lot of bare skin, especially under masks, and the attire was on the bare and more inconsistent side.
Customer Service Score: 9.11
Customer Service Scores – By Question

Customer Service Scores – By Attraction

Customer Service Review:
We were not able to find much information about the haunt online. We found their Facebook page, where ticket prices and addresses were quickly found. We would like to see a website with all the pertinent information about the haunt, an FAQ section, and possibly additional pictures and videos to better understand what we’re getting into. However, the property has an indoor and outdoor attraction for those who have never been. While no prison building is on the property, they loosely utilize this theme and have some original pieces from an actual prison on the property!
Our GPS took us directly there, and parking attendants were there to help us get parked. The lot was gravel and FREE! And there was never a shortage of staff around to ask for anything. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming!
The walking paths were lit and easy to navigate. Even on the trail, the path was large and easy to navigate. There was some uneven terrain on the railroad tie bridges, but other than that, we had no trouble walking around the property. Watch out for the bubbles, though- they may suffocate you! Haha, we’re just kidding.
Immersion Score: 7.5
Immersion Scores – By Question

Immersion Scores – By Attraction

Immersion Review:
Upon arrival, we were excited to see a hearse with a cool, winged monster set up perfectly for group photos and selfies. There was also additional spooky decor, including a giant scarecrow! Loud music from the prison filled the midway, mixing with the screams of people being terrorized by the roaming clowns, which created a fun vibe for the haunt. We had a blast watching those clowns scaring every group that entered the waiting lines! They even snuck up on us!
The midway provided a connecting area between both attractions, letting them flow naturally into each other. Their gift shop/concessions stand was conveniently placed right in the middle, as was the ticket booth.
Despite being named The Haunted Prison, we found many scenes ranging from a toxic waste area, a gross meat market, a hospital, and more. The trail also featured numerous scenes that spanned a church infested with spiders to a prison crawling with clowns and more! Since both attractions were more random for theming, we chose not to score this haunt for having a storyline. However, we would love to see them build on more of an actual prison storyline in the future. Perhaps some specific convicts we should watch out for?
Special FX Score: 6.28
Special FX Scores – By Question

Special FX Scores – By Attraction

Special FX Review:
If you love bubbles, you’ll love the Prison. The bubble scene completely swallowed one of our members and caused us to send our tallest member charging in to make a path through the bubbles for the rest of us. A water scene also got a couple of our members simulating a ‘Code Yellow’ via a strategically placed nozzle! However, they said the “water” is recirculated for the bubbles… so we recommend not ingesting them!
The animatronics left room for improvement, with most having limited or low-speed movements. The animatronics would have a more significant impact with improved sounds and motion. We also saw some that we’re sure were supposed to move, but they did not. The wolves and the dinosaurs were cool-looking!
The trail at the Haunted Prison may have been actor-driven, but it didn’t skimp on special effects! Right from the start, we came across a smoke-filled car, and the sight of an actor furiously slamming a weapon on the hood made it feel all too real – definitely a moment that had our hearts racing.
Strobe lights turned up the intensity in the doll house, disorienting us as we tried to navigate the already creepy surroundings. It was as if the walls were closing in, making every step feel like a gamble of “who or what might jump out next?”
The highlight was the church scene featuring some sort of forest creature. The groaning, creaking effects added layers of dread, and as the webs closed in around us, it felt like we were walking straight into the creature’s lair – super immersive and genuinely terrifying!
Overall, the sounds also left some opportunities for improvement. The music from the midway originated from within the prison and inside the haunt; however, the sound was almost overpowering at first. In addition, very few scenes and animations had their own dedicated sounds. One of the scenes in the trail that did have its own sound was a radio tuned into an Arkansas game, and we were confused if this was supposed to add to the character or not. Other scenes, though, made excellent use of sound, such as the clown scene on the trail. Between the loud music, intense fog, and the actors surrounding every member of our group, it made us think we might not make it out! Plus, the prison doors and walls incorporated here were a unique touch!
We’d also like to mention that additional lighting on the trail was used well. At times, the only thing guiding our way were effective white strobes or red and green lasers guiding us through the trees.
Scare Factor Score: 6.69
Scare Factor Scores – By Question

Scare Factor Scores – By Attraction

Scare Factor Review:
Navigating the darkness inside The Haunted Prison is no easy feat, even for seasoned haunt-goers. Hidden panels disguised the lurking scareactors who took every opportunity to surprise us when we least expected it. Dodging speeding vehicles and creatures that seemed to spit at us was an extra layer of chaos! They also lightly touched us and grabbed at our lower legs. However, one of the haunt’s highlights was the intense finale out on the trail. After running from prison doors and a loud chainsaw-wielding maniac, we found ourselves fleeing into the parking lot, hearts racing!
We were hit with various classic fear triggers throughout our journey, from confined spaces and murky swamp waters to unsettling clowns and eerie dolls. Loud, unexpected noises jolted us as quick-moving scareactors stalked behind us. A particularly effective scare came when two actors double-teamed us from opposite directions on the trail, catching us completely off-guard! There was also a surprise hammer drill scare, but it could have been more impactful had it been closer and louder, as it seemed tucked away in the corner.
With a few tweaks to certain scenes and increased intensity in others, both attractions could ramp up the scare factor even more. Overall, the range of scare tactics and immersive environments delivered a fun and fear-filled experience!
Entertainment & Value Score: 7.38
E&V Scores – By Question

E&V Scores – By Attraction

E&V Review:
Tickets to the Haunted Prison are available individually for $20 per haunt, or you can snag a combo ticket for $30 – offering a pretty solid deal! Across both attractions, we clocked in about 28.5 minutes of heart-pounding scares, placing the MPD (minutes of entertainment per dollar) at 0.95. While this is just a tick below the ideal 1:1 ratio we look for, we still had a great time and think it’s worth opting for the combo ticket to get the whole experience.
The Haunted Prison delivers plenty of spooky thrills for your buck at a single location. During our wait, we were taunted by a pair of roaming clowns who worked the crowd with playful menace. Some tunes also helped set the mood while we waited, adding to the fun.
This is a solid choice if you’re after a Halloween haunt that’s more actor-driven with an old-school vibe. The scares weren’t particularly gory or traumatizing, which makes it an excellent pick for folks seeking fun without going over the top in intensity!
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