Warehouse of Fear
Full Review

17023 Chamber Springs Road, Siloam Springs, AR 72761
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✓-Free Parking
✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site
✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs
✓-Special Events
✓-Original Characters
✓-Indoor/Outdoor Waiting Line
✓-Indoor/Outdoor Attraction

Review Team/Author Info:

This attraction was reviewed by Team Zombillies on October 18, 2024.
Team Since: September 1, 2010 | Experience: Master Team

Editor: Team Zombillies (Master Team).

Final Score: 8.02

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The Warehouse of Fear in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, offers over 25,000 square feet of terror, with two immersive attractions to keep your heart racing. Inside the Warehouse of Fear, guests can expect a chaotic hoard of horrors, including crazed clowns, wall-climbing creatures, dinosaurs, and a host of deranged denizens lurking about, sniffing out your fears!

Swamp Walkers Revenge is new for the 2024 season, where you’ll board a military transit bus bound for the ‘Safe Zone.’ But once you disembark in the middle of nowhere, you quickly realize it’s anything but safe. You’ll have to evade the lurking Swamp Walkers and find your way back – if you can survive the night!

When we thought we were free from the terror, the haunt delivered a surprise finale that had us scrambling to escape! This unique ending blended fun and fear, making it harder to find our way out than we expected. Keep reading for more details on this thrilling conclusion!

*For this review, we chose not to assign a score to Swamp Walkers Revenge as it doesn’t meet all the standard criteria we typically evaluate. While it offers a unique experience, it lacks some essential elements of traditional haunted attractions. However, we will note some of the highlights along the way!

Cast Score: 8.05

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Cast Review:

The cast inside Warehouse of Fear delivered a solid performance, sneaking and stalking us through its dark and foggy corridors. Although there were a few spots where additional actors would have heightened the scares, the team still managed to fill the spaces effectively.

The elevator attendant stood out with engaging dialogue, setting the tone early. The crazed clowns and asylum patients were convincing, adding to the chaotic atmosphere. We were also impressed by the miner, fiercely determinedly demanding his gold and a pirate who delivered well-timed, immersive dialogue. The scares kept coming as a giant bird swooped in, a lady climbing a wall suddenly landed right in our faces, and the chainsaw chaser made an impression by practically gliding across the sand, heightening the tension at just the right moment!

While they weren’t the most verbally interactive, they certainly knew their scenes well. They often moved stealthily within their spaces, antagonizing us from behind walls or scenery as we left their areas, keeping the tension alive. There were a few moments when the first members of our group caught sight of an actor, but those at the back missed the interaction entirely. Still, the cast offered a good variety of characters. One patient frantically rambled on in a crazed manner, which matched her tin foil cap, while another disturbingly muttered about how “the swirlies never go away.”

Overall, the cast was energetic and unpredictable, keeping us on edge throughout the attraction.

Costuming Score: 8

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Costuming Review:

Warehouse of Fear tries to take full advantage of your worst fears… even with fire! So, there is a wide variety of characters and costumes. Each costume fit the scenes they were found in.

Upon entering the dark and ominous building, we encountered an elevator attendant. He appeared to be from an earlier era. His authentic costume was a vintage maroon waistcoat, dress slacks, and matching hat. We’re sure he was looking dapper back in his day! But today, he was looking a little pale and, well… dead! Sorry!

After we escaped the elevator, we encountered everything from clowns to a gigantic bird coming at us to peck our eyes out! Yes, a gigantic bird! Down to its creepy, long black talons! The whole costume was very realistic. That may have instilled a fear in birds we didn’t have before we visited this haunt! The android lady was also very unique, with glowing additions to her face; we’ve never seen anything like this before!

A lot of really spooky masks were used throughout the entire haunt. The clowns were evil and menacing, with neon hair jetting in every direction and giant mouths full of razor teeth. Also, pale skin and dark circles were consistent throughout the haunt. A very realistic silicone mask was used outside, but it was untucked during our visit. Still, this costume uniquely stood out! The alien-esque creatures were also fear-inducing as they slowly approached us in the fog!

In the end, before running for our lives through the sand. Yes, we said sand! A deranged, rabid rabbit chased us with his chainsaw. The mask and his clothes were dingy and dated, and they looked like something out of a nightmare. This character may have been the most complete of them all!

Overall, we were impressed with the variety and details of most of the costumes. And we would most definitely not want to encounter any of these creatures alone!

Customer Service Score: 9.18

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Customer Service Review:

Warehouse of Fear is located in a large entertainment complex. Different events occur here throughout the year, so it is not only open for haunt season! Their website provides a lot of info you need to visit the haunt and much more!

The website has all the information needed to get there, too. They also have a Facebook page full of info, fun pics, and videos from the haunt! Our GPS led us seamlessly to the rows and rows of lights strung up, lighting our path to the parking area.

The parking area was effortless to navigate, and they had people assisting with free parking. There was plenty of signage telling us where to go to get tickets. Before we entered, we were wanded by a security officer, so we recommend leaving all weapons in your car.

Once inside, there was a food truck with yummy treats. You can also purchase T-shirts, magnets, etc. They also have a variety of old hearses on display. So spooky! Porta potties were provided for when you get the pee scared out of you!

At Warehouse of Fear, there was always a friendly, or maybe not-so-friendly, face to help with any questions. The lines were inside and marked, making the property easy to navigate. Once we got our tickets, we were confused about where to go, so we followed the large lights to the warehouse!

Inside, there were some ramps and uneven ground. As we ventured through the woods of Swamp Walkers Revenge, we noticed some steep areas and loose dirt, so be sure to watch your footing. At point, we needed to engage our four-wheel drive to get up a hill.

Immersion Score: 8.25

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Immersion Review:

Driving up to the warehouse immediately set the tone for a fun and creepy time. Turning in from the road, we could see massive skeletons lit by red floodlights, and our excitement continued to build as strings of lights guided us into the parking lot. Once we made it through security and got our tickets, we were free to explore the midway. They have multiple vintage hearses on display, so we definitely recommend stopping to see them if you have time before heading into the haunts.

The queue area for the first haunt was also a great place to wait for our turn. The ceiling had an interesting gear structure, and the lighting in the area was a mix of exposed Edison bulbs and unique barrel lights partially obscured by fog. These details and other Halloween decor helped build our hype to get into the haunt!

Once inside, we loved all the details and special effects (which will be covered later). There were a few minor details that we noticed that challenged our immersion, such as exposed wires and extension cords and speakers, or some scene details exiting some rooms (such as the pirate ship) that had an excellent building on the exterior entrance but on the exterior exit it was a shipping pod. Overall, though, we had an awesome time making our way through the warehouse!

Special FX Score: 7.28

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Special FX Review:

There were a number of top-level details in the scenes throughout the haunt. One of the most intense scenes also had some of the best special effects of the night. Before we even looked at it, our noses lit up with the scent of fresh gasoline. We rounded the corner to see a woman chained to a bed and a man pouring gasoline on the floor. Before we could react, he threw a lit match into the gas, and smoke and lights erupted into the room! So many details go into that to make it work: the smell of the gas, the timing of the smoke and light, triggering the sequence to go off just as we round the corner. All of those factors to pull off one scene were so rewarding to see! Not to mention the skill of the actors to deliver the performance.

Another scene that really wowed us was the pirate ship. The scene details inside, the way the ship swayed to make it seem like we truly were afloat, and the animatronics of the skeletons guarding the gold; so many cool details in this scene alone, too, made for a realistic experience. Other details were so impactful, like when we descended into a mine, and the temperature dropped as though we really were going underground. Or effects that had an actor seemingly floating up a wall while convulsing wildly, only to chase us down the hall once we thought we had made it to safety! Chef’s kiss!

However, we noticed that for every amazing scene, there were some that weren’t as impactful. Some animatronics, such as the werewolf scene with a werewolf that barely moved or a dot room that didn’t really deliver the intended effect. Still, though, the stronger scenes highlighted the creative team’s skills and we can’t say enough about them. The android scene, in particular, was unique and interesting. We found ourselves wishing that was an even longer scene!

Scare Factor Score: 7.85

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Scare Factor Review:

Have you ever wanted to run in the sand? Have you also ever wanted to feel a deep sense of terror? Then Warehouse of Fear has a deal for you! Offering guests the unique opportunity to run for their dear, sweet life through deep sand while a person wielding a chainsaw chases after you! Also, the person with the chainsaw seemingly floats across the sand while you sink deeper and deeper into it as you claw your way toward the exit. That is the type of scares we encountered here, and they were also paired with areas to seemingly decompress, like a dance area pumping dance music or a forest scene with cute raccoons on the walls!

The team did a good job providing scares to our entire group, with actors coming from every angle and plenty of hiding spots for them to jump out and scare us and even chase us. They also provided an excellent variety of scares for us owing to all the different scenes and the different approaches on display throughout the haunt.

Entertainment & Value Score: 8.06

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E&V Review:

Warehouse of Fear is the main haunted attraction on site, but they also have a second haunt. Swamp Walkers Revenge can be purchased as a combo or single ticket. The warehouse’s general admission is $25.00, and the fast pass is $40.00. Swamp Walkers is also $25.00 for general admission and $40.00 for past passes. Or you can get a combo ticket for both haunts! It’s $40.00 for general admission and $70.00 for Fast Pass.

We were winding and, at times, running through the halls of the warehouse for 20 minutes. That brings the minutes per dollar to 0.8, which is right below the average of 1 minute per dollar spent that we like to see. They had hearses outside to look at of various makes, models, and years, adding to the already spooky atmosphere, as well as other spooky displays to take photos with.
They also offer other activities throughout the year, such as Christmas lights, Murder Mystery Shows, ghost walks, fireworks, and more! Just take a look at their website or Facebook page!
Now, let’s talk about that second attraction. In Swamp Walkers Revenge, we were escorted aboard a military transit bus to an unknown location. Through onboard cameras, we watched a swarm of Swamp Walkers approach the bus, only to be swiftly eliminated by soldiers. As we neared our destination, they reassured us that the threat was neutralized – they believed they’d gotten them all. But once we stepped off the bus into the dark, desolate woods, eerie, unsettling sounds began to fill the air. As we cautiously made our way forward, guided only by faint lights, the horrifying truth was revealed: the Swamp Walkers were still out there, surrounding us from the shadows!

While Swamp Walkers Revenge was an undeniably fun, scary, and immersive experience, the standalone $25 price tag for just this event felt a bit steep. For those looking to maximize their scare-filled night, we definitely recommend opting for the combo ticket, which offers a much better overall value.

If you’re seeking a haunt where surprises lurk around every twist and turn, Warehouse of Fear is ready to deliver! Whether it’s dinosaurs, sinister clowns, gold-hungry miners, or even a hippity-choppity bunny with a taste for mayhem, they’ve got something to quench the thirst of every fear fanatic. And if you feel like getting up close and personal with a flesh-hungry bushman, they’ve got those waiting, too! Pirates, you ask? Oh, they’re here, ready to shiver your timbers!

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