Alee Terror Plantation Haunted House
Full Review

100 Eisenburg Drive, Savannah, GA 31406
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Charity HauntHaunted House
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✓-Free Parking
✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site
✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs
✓-You will NOT be touched
✓-Movie Characters
✓-Original Characters
✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line
✓-Indoor/Outdoor Waiting Line
✓-Family Friendly

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This attraction was reviewed on October 26, 2019 by Team NecronomaPeach.

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Final Score: 7.53

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Scare Factor readers have voted and our team visited the #1 must-see haunt of Georgia, Alee Terror Plantation in Savannah. It was easy to see how popular this haunt was with its huge line of awaiting fans from near and far.

This haunt is a charity haunt ran by volunteers, where all proceeds go to the Alee Shriners building fund so that they can build and expand to continue aiding their community. Our team could see why so many recommend this haunt and we had a great time with wonderful people at Alee Terror Plantation.

Cast: 7.3

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Alee Terror Plantation was all about the passion and love for what they were doing. Some of their cast had what people like to call the ‘haunt bug,’ meaning they have a desire to scare others. Those actors developed their characters, adding wonderful accents or inventive sounds and dialogue. While there were quite a few of the screamers and the ‘get outs,’ those characters with the well-done dialogue were appropriately disbursed within the haunt. Additionally, the haunt did a good job of having a variety of characters who could have that kind of dialogue.

Ghostly girls haunted the halls and then chainsaw-wielding maniacs lurked outside the main building. Our group really appreciated their one actress who was in the hallway with the Ouija board. When she crab-walked toward us, then got up and stumbled and charged, our group got the chills.

Costuming: 7.7

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Alee Terror Plantation had a variety of costumes for their variety of characters. Every character was done up in either makeup or a mask and a costume which allowed the haunt to flow. Our safety intro was done by the mistress of the plantation and she had some really well-executed stage makeup which allowed her facial expressions to be better conveyed. Our group also really adored the security personnel in masks outside every emergency exit. That way they were able to be both creepy characters and add to the haunt and they were able to constantly watch for any issues that may arise. The costumes of the character actors also meshed well with the area they were in and their characters, which aided in the character development and the scene continuity.

Customer Service: 8.45

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Alee Terror Plantation really excelled in their customer service, which our team is sure is the secret to why they are so popular within their community. From first entering the haunt, which was easy to find with our GPS, every member was friendly, helpful, and yearning to make everyone’s experience as smooth as possible. They had a very long line, and amongst that line were crew there to help control the line and help however it was needed. The ticket booth ladies were lovely, funny, and very kind to all. The Rainbow Girls group running the concessions for local charity was warm and considerate, ready to offer anyone a delicious funnel cake and a big smile.

While Alee Terror Plantation doesn’t have a website, their Facebook is well detailed with weekly posts and their pertinent information is within the “about” section. But where we were most impressed the most was with the safety protocols they had in place. Alee Terror Plantation had emergency exits everywhere with security manning each one. In a tour behind the scenes we got to see those exits better and were impressed by what we saw. They have the entire haunt built within the building with large pathways so that if there ever was an emergency, they could easily get everyone to safety.

Atmosphere: 7.5

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Alee Terror Plantation is an indoor haunt within the large building that they have onsite. Outside of the building are tents, actors, and spooky decor. Our favorite (besides the sign representing the Scare Factor rating on it) is the board they have up that has the count of the number of people who couldn’t complete the haunt because it was too scary. We appreciate this because it is a fun part of the atmosphere, it kinda lets people who are arriving know that the haunt has some spooky parts, and it’s a great morale booster for the actors within the haunt. This sign mixed with the classic Halloween kinds of music playing and the wandering actors make it clear that people are at a haunt. Also, those actors working the line have a wide variety of talents. While there, our group saw a guitar playing zombie, a break dancing child funeral usher and Beetle Beard, who has a great talent for not blinking (he’s like a British guard).

Special Effects: 7.55

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Alee Terror Plantation hand makes a great deal of their own special effects and they looked great. Each scene clearly had someone build it who has an eye for detail because they were made up from top to bottom and everywhere our group looked, we saw fun, interesting, and eerie minute details that developed the scene.

Behind the scenes, we got to see how detailed the sets were. Right in the beginning, guests enter a room with a window, the set on the other side of the window was just as intricate as the scenes the guests walked through. The props weren’t the only intricate aspect of the sets as the sets also had some custom sounds. We appreciated how the sounds completely changed from the eerie sounds within the house to the rock and roll sounds out in the chainsaw maze.

The actual special effects for scaring were also neat. The vortex tunnel was so well executed that we were still dizzy two scenes later. The use of a real piano to get a unique sound for a jump scare was intriguing. Our group also really appreciated the simulated walkways; both walking on coals and the suspension bridge were very well executed.

Theme: N/A

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Alee Terror Plantation didn’t have an overarching theme, however, the individual areas had clear identities with clear transition areas to flow the areas. Actors, costumes, and especially effects were all carefully honed to whichever theme the area was doing. Our group appreciated that the last scene in the house had an homage to the first scene with both the video of the first character and also in the color theme, which neatly finished up the house part of the haunt. In fact, both the house and the maze had a clear beginning and end which aided in making each main section a self-contained area. This is just another example of the careful detail placed in the sets within the haunt.

Scare Factor: 7.08

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Alee Terror Plantation is a family-friendly haunt, but it’s not without any scares. By the time our group left the haunt, they had 500 as the count of people unable to finish going through the haunt this season. They had a good variety of scares, ranging from loud jump scares to spooky and creepy characters who were there to mess with the guests’ minds. The scares were classic but not entirely predictable because the way the haunt was built allowed for some great hiding areas for the actors to literally come crawling from. Within the Ouija hall, there were actors crawling from the walls, springing out everywhere which was a very effectively overwhelming area. Once in the maze area, that is really when the no-holds-barred clearly happened though. People in skin masks and wielding chainsaws were everywhere. This area was so effectively scary that the group behind ours nearly trampled us trying to escape!

Entertainment & Value: 7.43

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Alee Terror Plantation is a great experience for all ages. Our group went through their haunt at a steady pace in 10 minutes. Their standard tickets are $10.00 giving them the minutes per dollar ratio of 1.0, which is a little low for the area. However, the amount of entertainment packed within those 10 minutes makes the tickets more than worth it. Our group had a blast both within the haunt and in the midway and for those wondering, we definitely recommend checking them out.

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9.94/10 (16 Guest Reviews)



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