UPDATE FOR 2022: Our former “Atmosphere” and “Theme” categories have now been combined and renamed “Immersion.” Our intent with this is to give more appropriate credit to attractions that have shown a clear focus on achieving and maintaining better customer experiences (both inside and outside the attractions) and developing creative storylines.
Each of the category scores in this review are calculated using a weighted average of several questions that we rate on a scale of 1 to 10.
The following breakdown explains what these scores typically mean. All of our Teams use this as a reference for providing accurate ratings:
10: “Peak Performance”This score is treated as if it has a chastity belt on it. “10’s” are reserved for the best of the best; those that we feel could not possibly improve on what they’re doing.
9: “Innovative and Groundbreaking”It rocked! Nearly everything seemed to go as planned and it was one of the best we’ve ever seen! These guys are leaders in the industry, and attractions like this are truly hard to come by.
8: “Solid”A high score on our scale. They had a good handle on it and, overall, they knew how to use it well. Most attractions can learn from what these guys are doing.
6 to 7: “Good”We could tell that a good effort was made. However, we’ve seen this done much better at other places, or can detect areas where significant improvements can be made. This is about the top end of what we’d call “Family Friendly.”
5: “Average / Fair”Compared to the competition, they weren’t the best, but definitely not the worst. Scares and Special Effects in this range are usually considered “Family Friendly.”
3 to 4: “Below Average”We could see that a clear attempt was made, but most other professional attractions are doing a much better job at this.
1 to 2: “Poor”It appeared that very little time, thought or effort was contributed to this aspect.
0 (Zero): “Non-Existent”No apparent effort was made to make this a significant contributor to the attraction.
Afterword:This rating system is standardized across all of The Scare Factor’s official haunt review teams. However, keep in mind there will always be minor differences between Teams, as we all have varying levels of experience. Regardless, we do our best to remain true to our core values, which is to promote all haunted attractions!Perhaps the biggest thing to remember is: sometimes the score – in and of itself – doesn’t tell the whole story about an attraction’s merits. This is why we provide detailed explanations for each category… to help you better understand how and why we chose the score/s that we did.We do our best to not let feelings or emotions rule our judgement, while also viewing the attraction through the lens of the typical haunt-goer. But, because all reviews with ratings are inherently subjective, this is nearly impossible to completely prevent. Though, when in doubt, we tend to give slightly lower scores than our original “gut feelings” to account for this, and also give the attraction more room to improve over time.We also do our best to be fair and consistent across all of the haunts that we review. We know that you’ll be looking at these scores and comparing them to other attractions, so we hope this review helps you out in that aspect.Do you have some feedback about our review system? Contact Us Here to let us know what you think!
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Final Score: 8.59
How Did We Get This Score?
Final Scores:
(15% of Final Score) Cast: 8.52
(15% of Final Score) Costuming: 8.26
(10% of Final Score) Customer Service: 8.86
(10% of Final Score) Atmosphere: 8.48
(15% of Final Score) Special Effects: 9.1
(5% of Final Score) Theme:
(15% of Final Score) Scare Factor: 8.38
(5% of Final Score) Entertainment & Value: 8.56
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Now in its 41st year of operation, Boogerwoods is a staple of Eastern North Carolina haunts. Open a limited number of nights with a limited number of tickets sold each afternoon and evening, Boogerwoods is a must-see if you’re a haunt fan. Operated as a charity haunt and staffed by over a hundred volunteers, the haunt donates its proceeds to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.
This is a guided haunt, meaning you’ll have a pair of guides with you to take you from scene to scene, often interacting on your behalf with the various actors that you’ll come across. Each pair of guides has a different personality and each set interacts slightly differently with guests and scenes. This is a level of immersion that you rarely find in other haunts and makes for interesting transitions from set to set.
Boogerwoods is a very theatrical haunt. Each set and scene that you enter has its own feel and experience. There is also a great deal of humor here. Though there certainly are some scares – from creepy interactions to sudden jump scares to the ever-present chainsaw – each of these is delivered as a punchline, a dramatic twist, or simply as your cue to move on to the next thing.
Cast: 8.52
How Did We Get This Score?
Cast Scores (15% of Final Score):
(20% of Cast Score) Did it seem like there were enough actors?: 8.9
(30% of Cast Score) How creative, believable and convincing were the actors?: 7.5Explanation:
The victim in Saw. The Clown school ‘teacher’
(20% of Cast Score) How interactive were the actors (verbally and physically)?: 9.4Explanation:
Center of attention
(15% of Cast Score) How creatively & appropriately did they use dialogue?: 9.2
(15% of Cast Score) Was there a good variety of characters?: 8.2
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The cast of Boogerwoods is amazing. All of the different characters are a part of their scenes (14 scenes in all) and remain in character for the duration of your time with them. This is especially true with your paired guides who joke, berate, cajole and narrate some of the action. They do their part to make the guests part of the action, equipping you with props, asking you questions, and moving you front and center in some of the scenes.
There are some costumed actors that just act as fillers in the various scenes. These extras don’t detract from the scenes, but they aren’t as interactive as the leads of each scene nor the guides. However, the scenes would be empty without these additional faces so, despite their lack of interaction, they are still an integral part of the attraction.
You’ll also find familiar faces at Boogerwoods including horror movie classic characters like Freddy, Michael, Jason, Pennywise, and Pinhead. These fellows were excellent and on-point, bringing the movies to life right in front of your face. We also enjoyed the victim in the Saw scene and the teacher at the clown school – two original characters that were highly detailed.
Costuming: 8.26
How Did We Get This Score?
Costuming Scores (15% of Final Score):
(15% of Costuming Score) How complete / finished did the costumes appear to be?: 8.7
(25% of Costuming Score) How creative / detailed were the costumes?: 8.1
(20% of Costuming Score) Was their makeup creative? Detailed? Realistic?: 7.5
(15% of Costuming Score) How effectively did they use masks (if used)?: 8.2
(25% of Costuming Score) How appropriate were the costumes for their scene/s & theme/s?: 8.8
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The costumes of the various boogers of Boogerwoods and those of the guides are highly detailed. No one is lacking the proper attire and the haunt clearly has the experience and the time to create complete and fleshed out costume pieces. Makeup is well-done and realistic and masks, when used, are well crafted and fit their owners well.
The Pennywise costume used this year is based on the recent movie and was incredibly well done. More than one of our members initially thought that it was a static prop, and the mask or prosthetics to create the face were realistic.
Customer Service: 8.86
How Did We Get This Score?
Customer Service Scores (10% of Final Score):
(25% of CS Score) How easy was it to locate the attraction, park, and navigate the premises?: 9.4Explanation:
Overflow parking available, street signs before you reach haunt asking you to slow down
(30% of CS Score) How safe was the attraction?: 7.7Explanation:
Tight squeezes, some hard-to-see steps
(25% of CS Score) How professional, helpful and friendly were the staff members?: 9.6
(20% of CS Score) How easy was it to find their information before* arrival?: 9
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Boogerwoods is a walking trail through fourteen different scenes of murder, mayhem, madness, and mirth. Be prepared to do some walking, climbing stairs, sliding down slides, and squeezing through mazes. Nearly every scene has a building to enter and will require a step up (or step down when leaving). Your ever present guides are here to help with this, but in a group of 8 to 12 people, those in the middle may not hear the warning of steps to come. Just remember – if your guide says, ‘duck!’ they mean duck and if your guide says, ‘get down,’ it’s time to boogie!
Your guides, even though they are always in character, will always be there to help. For scenes you may not be able to handle, they will take you around the scene to meet up with your group. The guides are also equipped with flashlights and radios in case of any sort of emergency, or just to help navigate around roots and up stairs. The front-of-house staff are friendly and engaging; be sure to stop off in the merchandise booth to talk to the ladies about the history of the haunt.
Boogerwoods has a dedicated and eager following. With a limited number of tickets sold each night, be prepared to wait in long lines. Ticket sales start hours before the haunt even opens – usually at 2 pm. For those unwilling to wait in long lines, be sure to snatch up the even more limited fast pass tickets. There are 10 of these available for each half-hour (7, 7:30, 8, etc). If you aren’t able to get one, the line has music, videos or movies playing, and of course, there are limited concessions at the very back of the line.
Atmosphere: 8.48
How Did We Get This Score?
Atmosphere Scores (10% of Final Score):
(60% of Atmosphere Score) How obvious was it that you were at a haunted house before entering?: 9.2
(40% of Atmosphere Score) How well did the atmosphere prepare you for what you experienced inside?: 7.4
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From the time you walk up to the gate until you enter the Holding Tank, the exterior of Boogerwoods is a delightful example of haunt decor. There’s a graveyard for all the famous horror monsters, lots of looming wooden walls, and a variety of sights to see.
However, none of this will prepare you for what awaits you beyond the Holding Tank.
Special Effects: 9.1
How Did We Get This Score?
Special Effects Scores (15% of Final Score):
(20% of SFX Score) How effective were the sound effects?: 8.6
(20% of SFX Score) How creative / original were the scenes & props?: 10
(20% of SFX Score) How well were the scenes detailed?: 9
(25% of SFX Score) How well did they achieve & maintain the suspension of disbelief?: 8.9
(15% of SFX Score) How effective were the SFX at providing scares / entertainment?: 9
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Boogerwoods isn’t exactly a high-tech haunt. However, they are definitely a step above and beyond many other outdoor haunts. The vast majority of their props and sets and special effects – everything from spinning rooms to sparking cages to pirate ships to dinosaur parks – are built in-house. Though they also take some effects that you will find elsewhere or commercially purchased props and build sets and effects around these things that give them a unique Boogerwoods flavor.
Even the ubiquitous pressure tunnel that you find at many haunts is given new life, albeit a time-pressing one. We have to give a shout out to the star of Boogerassic Park. The dinosaur within was a surprise and a delight for our entire group!
Theme: N/A
How Did We Get This Score?
Theme Scores (5% of Final Score):
(30% of Theme Score) Could you tell what the theme was?:
(50% of Theme Score) How well was the theme carried throughout the attraction/s?:
(20% of Theme Score) How well does their location authenticate the theme?:
This score is left “N/A” when we believe the haunt is trying to target a random variety of themes or phobias, rather than a single overarching “Theme” or “storyline.”
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Though many of the fourteen scenes at Boogerwoods work to incorporate the name ‘Booger’ somewhere in their title, there isn’t really a unifying theme to the entirety of the site. Your guides, however, will work to create a story with you as you move from place to place, be it an asylum on movie night or a descent into a mineshaft.
Scare Factor: 8.38
How Did We Get This Score?
Scare Factor Scores (15% of Final Score):
(30% of Scare Factor Score) How scary was it?: 8.5
(15% of Scare Factor Score) How well did they provide scares to the entire group?: 8.5
(25% of Scare Factor Score) How predictable were the scares?: 8
(15% of Scare Factor Score) How well did they provide a wide variety of scares?: 7.4
(15% of Scare Factor Score) How strong was the ending / finale?: 9.6
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Whether it’s the sudden screaming surprise appearance of a young girl, a pursuing chainsaw-wielding big brother, an escaped dinosaur, or the appearance of horror movie classics, the scares at Boogerwoods serve as the conclusion of each scene, getting your pulse racing as you head out the door after your guide. Even in groups of 10, the crew work to spread out the focus, mingling you around in rooms, shifting where the front of the line is, and singling out individuals from scene to scene for special attention.
Though there is some reliance on sudden jump scares, there’s still a lot to see out at Boogerwoods, and everyone in your group will get a chance to witness something and be a part of the action.
Entertainment & Value: 8.56
How Did We Get This Score?
Entertainment & Value Factor Scores (15% of Final Score):
(30% of E&V Score) How satisfied were you with the entertainment received during the main attraction/s?: 9
(25% of E&V Score) How satisfied were you with the entertainment that’s available with* the ticket price, excluding the main attraction/s?: 7.3
(30% of E&V Score) How appropriate is/are the ticket price/s?: 9
(15% of E&V Score) Have they effectively used their available space?: 8.9
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From the time you enter the Holding Tank until you reach the safety of the merchandise booth, a little over 45 minutes will elapse. This might shift slightly up or down depending on the slowest person in your group.
Tickets, however, are only $20 a person which is a great value. You’ll also know that your money is going to a worthy charity. An evening of entertainment with your friends that supports others, what more can you ask for?!
How Did We Get These Scores
Our Rating System
Each of the category scores in this review are calculated using a weighted average of several questions that we rate on a scale of 1 to 10.
The following breakdown explains what these scores typically mean. All of our Teams use this as a reference for providing accurate ratings:
10: “Peak Performance”This score is treated as if it has a chastity belt on it. “10’s” are reserved for the best of the best; those that we feel could not possibly improve on what they’re doing.
9: “Innovative and Groundbreaking”It rocked! Nearly everything seemed to go as planned and it was one of the best we’ve ever seen! These guys are leaders in the industry, and attractions like this are truly hard to come by.
8: “Solid”A high score on our scale. They had a good handle on it and, overall, they knew how to use it well. Most attractions can learn from what these guys are doing.
6 to 7: “Good”We could tell that a good effort was made. However, we’ve seen this done much better at other places, or can detect areas where significant improvements can be made. This is about the top end of what we’d call “Family Friendly.”
5: “Average / Fair”Compared to the competition, they weren’t the best, but definitely not the worst. Scares and Special Effects in this range are usually considered “Family Friendly.”
3 to 4: “Below Average”We could see that a clear attempt was made, but most other professional attractions are doing a much better job at this.
1 to 2: “Poor”It appeared that very little time, thought or effort was contributed to this aspect.
0 (Zero): “Non-Existent”No apparent effort was made to make this a significant contributor to the attraction.
Afterword:This rating system is standardized across all of The Scare Factor’s official haunt review teams. However, keep in mind there will always be minor differences between Teams, as we all have varying levels of experience. Regardless, we do our best to remain true to our core values, which is to promote all haunted attractions!Perhaps the biggest thing to remember is: sometimes the score – in and of itself – doesn’t tell the whole story about an attraction’s merits. This is why we provide detailed explanations for each category… to help you better understand how and why we chose the score/s that we did.We do our best to not let feelings or emotions rule our judgement, while also viewing the attraction through the lens of the typical haunt-goer. But, because all reviews with ratings are inherently subjective, this is nearly impossible to completely prevent. Though, when in doubt, we tend to give slightly lower scores than our original “gut feelings” to account for this, and also give the attraction more room to improve over time.We also do our best to be fair and consistent across all of the haunts that we review. We know that you’ll be looking at these scores and comparing them to other attractions, so we hope this review helps you out in that aspect.Do you have some feedback about our review system? Contact Us Here to let us know what you think!