Team Jefferson Starship

Team Jefferson Starship – The Scare Factor’s South Carolina Halloween Haunted House Review Team
Team Members: Douglas Bramlett (Team Leader), Desi Conrad, Kristin Raap, & Antoinette (Toni) Fernandez
Experience Level: Master Team (2016 was their 1st year)
Normal Coverage Area: South Carolina – North Carolina

Background: Team Leader Douglas Bramlett (Doug) has been interested in horror and the occult since he was young and got most of his fix through reading and movies.
As he grew up, he visited haunts, but was disappointed in how few there were around him. As an adult, he traveled far and wide to visit the haunts around him until he was given the opportunity to work for one several years ago. The behind-the-scenes experience changed how he thought about haunts and he spent a great deal of time helping his local haunt to improve in various aspects.
But working for a haunt severely limited his time available to go see more and more of them. Thus, he has now turned to being a haunt reviewer so he can visit (and maybe help) even more haunts around him!

Team member Kristin Raap has been an avid haunted house visitor for over 20 years, has a few experiences working in houses, and a literature degree with a focus in the horror genre. She has studied the horror genre because Halloween is her favorite holiday. She believes the exploration and experience of horror to be a necessary part of a healthy society as it provides catharsis and community.

Team member Desi Conrad has always been a lover of the creepy and macabre, to the point that others find a bit unnerving. She’s been enjoying haunts since the late 80’s and worked in them for 4 years recently. When she’s not being creepy, she’s an artist specializing in body art and she enjoys a plethora of other activities.

Team Member Antoinette (Toni) Fernandez is the newest member of the Scream Team. She has recently been introduced to a large variety of Haunted Houses throughout the Carolinas for the past 3 years. She has worked in a Haunted House before in her earlier years. She expressed interest in the group when they first met; it did take some time for her to get used to being on a team and to the review process, but now she has been enjoying the reviewing process of the various Haunts throughout the Carolina Region.