Frightmare Manor
Full Review

7588 W Andrew Johnson Hwy, Talbott, TN 37877
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This attraction was reviewed on October 11, 2019 by Team NecronomaPeach.

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Final Score: 6.1

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Flames shoot into the air, screams drift through the walls, and evil waves of laughter ring through the halls at Frightmare Manor Screampark. This is Tennessee’s money-back haunt that offers a challenge to those brave enough to try and get their money back for the challenge. This year sees this haunt with three attractions to thrill their customers. Their main attraction is Frightmare Manor, a haunt within the allegedly haunted plantation house on the property. Despite the fact that our group went through this haunt last, we will be reviewing it first as it is the primary haunted attraction. The other two haunts are CarnEvil and Rage, which are both within buildings around the area near the plantation house.

With an exciting midway and those three haunts, we can see why so many are talking about Frightmare Manor Screampark.

Frightmare Manor: 6.21
Rage: 5.74
CarnEvil: 6.36

Cast: 6.85

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Frightmare Manor Screampark had a ton of actors within their haunts, ready to perform their duty to scare or entertain the customers. Throughout the three attractions, there are a wide variety of creepy characters for the cast to bring to life. Through the darkness of the haunt settings, our group saw a few gems of characters which really made the haunts fun and spooky.

The haunt Frightmare Manor had some fun characters with the family living within the plantation manor. The sisters that opened the story had unique and interactive dialogue, though they did assume that the guests had gone to this haunt first. Our group really appreciated the establishment of the setting by the girls, and we also loved the doctor. The rest of the cast had well-timed shouts and invitations to play with them that caused a fair few jumps that had our group having fun.

Rage haunted attraction was actually started in the backwoods area with another great character to establish the haunt. Once in the woods, we had a few chainsaw operators and some angry rednecks that were fairly interactive. Once we entered the actual Rage attraction, the music was a bit too loud to hear most of the dialogue, but there were some strategically creepy characters within the fog maze.

CarnEvil was a circus full of horrifying and crazy clowns ready to play treacherous pranks on the customers. Most of the clowns were very on point with their laughter, invitations to play, and their loud manic screams. The timing was well done to send our group’s hearts into our throats.

Frightmare Manor: 6.9
Rage: 6.25
CarnEvil: 7.4

Costuming: 6.37

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Frightmare Manor Screampark had great options for showing off their costuming and makeup prowess. Within the main haunt, there were some excellent characters that were well done from head to toes. The characters who were up close to the customers had great attention to detail. Some of the areas were a bit too dark for our group to see the details of the character costuming, and some of the lesser lit characters were in basic black with minimal details. But, the core characters were really well done.

The Rage attraction area in the backwoods portion was started with another well-detailed character which was dressed in a wonderful costume with ‘dirty’ makeup. The woods themselves were populated by typical rednecks, and it was difficult to tell the difference between street clothes and costumes. Once within the Rage area, it was nearly impossible to see a majority of the costumes as the fog was far too thick. However, the characters we could see were bloody and quite creepy.

CarnEvil brought our group face to face with clowns of all shapes and sizes. Some of those clowns were well done with costumes and face paint. While none of the clowns were really out of the box, they were all dressed in their character garb. We really appreciated the masked actor within the blackout room at the end. That was a very effective scare.

Frightmare Manor: 7.28
Rage: 5.1
CarnEvil: 6.73

Customer Service: 6.54

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Frightmare Manor Screampark was very easy to find both online and physically. Our GPS took our group straight to the area, and a large billboard signed verified that we were in the right place. The website wasn’t the easiest to understand since it lists four attractions. However, Backwoods is the entrance to Rage, so we viewed it as one haunt. We verified with a staff member that the haunts ran together, though finding a staff member that wasn’t security or a ticket taker was a little difficult. Our group did arrive later in the night, so it is possible that the cast could have been busy closing things up.

Our group was unable to interview management at Frightmare Manor, so we couldn’t verify some parts of the haunt’s safety and procedures. Pertaining to safety, we appreciated the sheriff’s presence at the haunt. We found a few tripping hazards both within Frightmare Manor and CarnEvil, so watch your step! Within the haunt Frightmare Manor, many times the myriad of props and creeps in the tight spaces would cast shadows across pathways, making it difficult to see. When working in an existing space like the Manor, it is often impossible to clear up every trip and stumble. But, we would have liked to have seen better lighting in places where the flooring changed, especially in thresholds that we were being scared through.

Frightmare Manor: 6.45
Rage: 6.75
CarnEvil: 6.4

Atmosphere: 6.4

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The atmosphere of Frightmare Manor Screampark is very exciting and promising from the moment people arrive at the parking lot. Fire shoots into the air, music plays, animatronics are running everywhere for photos, concessions and souvenirs can be purchased, and ax throwing can be done. Those things are going on all around the midway. This builds a lot of excitement for the haunts, but doesn’t exactly prepare people for the haunts themselves, so it does feel like an abrupt shift when entering the haunts. But the midway is a great and fun extra experience that people get with just going to Frightmare Manor Screampark.

Frightmare Manor: 6.4
Rage: 6.4
CarnEvil: 6.4

Special Effects: 5.95

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Frightmare Manor Screampark has a wide array of special effects within their three attractions. From some lights to sounds to smells to animatronics, special effects aid in creating the attractions and the scares within them. Given the variety of haunt themes, Frightmare Manor Screampark has the opportunity to show off their effects prowess.

Frightmare Manor haunt incorporates all the senses in their haunts. The flooring texture changes, the smells in the kitchen are rancid, and the sounds permeate the entire haunt with loud music to set the ambiance. Our group found that often the lighting was a bit too low to appreciate the details of the settings and the characters. Frightmare Manor was a creepy setting with some great special effects.

Rage haunt leaned heavily into fog special effects. Loud music, tight maze-like wood and chain link hallways, and red lighting made up over half of the haunt. Those effects definitely achieved a panicked, rage like feeling in our group as we were often lost and separated, occasionally bumping into actors that couldn’t see any better than we could. We couldn’t see or hear well enough in most places to appreciate any other special effects that were going on.

CarnEvil had some really neat special effects, like interactive videos and great usage of black lights. The mask room at the end was highly effective. The music, ambient decorations, and lighting helped the carnival setting come to life.

Frightmare Manor: 5.8
Rage: 5.6
CarnEvil: 6.45

Theme: 5.6

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All three haunts at Frightmare Manor Screampark is part of the lore of the crazed man who lived in the old plantation manor and went made and committed horrible acts of murder. While the themes were more involved than what was clearly told within the haunts, there was a unity to each haunt making Frightmare Manor, Rage, and CarnEvil notedly different locations with a different story.

Frightmare Manor: 5.6
Rage: 5.6
CarnEvil: 5.6

Scare Factor: 5.43

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Frightmare Manor Screampark had three creepy, heart racing haunts. Each one appealed to different peoples’ fears. The scares were unified in similarity across the haunts in method and timing. Since we were there late on a Friday, we understand that the scares were less energetic as the actors were clearly tired. We were surprised by how often we were touched throughout the haunts, with hands coming from the shadows to grip our shoulders or play with our hair. It is very scary for those sensitive to feeling uncomfortable with your surroundings and company.

Frightmare Manor: 5.45
Rage: 5.4
CarnEvil: 5.45

Entertainment & Value: 5.6

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Frightmare Manor Screampark’s three attractions were timed at approximately 28 minutes when traveled at a steady pace, with Frightmare Manor being 8 minutes and the other two 10 minutes each. With regular ticket prices at $28.00 then their minutes per dollar was 1.00 which isn’t the best we’ve seen, but it’s decent. The midway was a great value for photos and some fun. Frightmare Manor Screampark was fun and we enjoyed our time there.

Frightmare Manor:5.55

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10/10 (1 Guest Reviews)



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