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Whispers Estate

“Where the Walls Really Do Talk!”

Whispers Estate is a Paranormal [1898] in Mitchell, IN.


714 W Warren Street
Mitchell, IN 47446

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Street View:

About This Place:


In 2006, The previous owner bought the house after being vacant for a few years. During its restoration, strange activity started to occur. Activity in the house continued, and even increased, subsequently earning the name ‘Whispers Estate’ after guests repeatedly reported hearing disembodied voices whispering in their ears.

There are supposedly 4 graves in the backyard, not including, what psychics have called, a pit grave which they say contain amputated limbs, internal organs, aborted fetuses, etc…

There is reportedly a portal/vortex which runs up through the house from the front parlor into the 3rd-floor room/attic. the room in the attic is said to be the heart of the house. Guests that are brave enough to sleep in this 3rd-floor room report horrible nightmares and sometimes hear something trying to get in the room via the door (doorknob jiggling).

Visitors have reported sighting a shadow, which is now called ‘Big Black’, an entity which psychics says ‘is not of this world’. While most commonly encountered in the doctor’s rooms, it has been seen throughout the house.

Guests have experienced earthquake-like tremors while in Doctor’s bathroom… No… not ‘those kinds’ of tremors… we’re referring to tremors of a paranormal origin.

EVP sessions have revealed many entities in the house at any given time, But you don’t always need recording equipment to hear these disembodied voices at Whispers Estate. Many young women have reported hearing Dr Gibbons whisper in their ears, as well sometimes grabbing/groping them.

Guests claim to see the beds/couches visible shake, while still others sleeping on beds and couches have reported having them shake violently…..


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