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Terror In Tolleson Haunted House Attractions

“Terror in Tolleson Resurrects: When the Lights Go Out, The Terror Begins!”

Haunted Attraction
Multiple Haunts

9105 West Van Buren Street, Tolleson, AZ 85353

Special Directions: Crossroads of 91st Ave and Lower Buckeye RD Just south of 1-10 freeway

Multiple HauntsHaunted House
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About This Attraction:


Our Terrifying Haunted House Attraction will give you Nightmares!
Can you Survive the Terror inside?

Dates & Hours:

None Provided


✓ – Free Parking
✓ – Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site
✓ – You may be touched
✓ – Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line
# of Attractions: 6


From Our Latest Review Visit:



Most Entertaining

Disclaimer: Always verify important information with the attraction directly before attending. We appreciate your understanding and, as always, stay scary! ~The Scare Factor

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