SRDs Haunted Acre
“The Greatest Things in Life are Just the Other Side of Fear!”
10588 Fairgrounds Road, Pocatello, ID 83202
Special Directions: Located behind the Outdoor Arena and just south of the Wellness Complex.

About This Attraction:
We put the fun into FEAR! Don’t miss it this year. Our cast is made of local community members, high school drama kids, & SRDs Scare School kids. They love what they do and are ready to bring back the fear this year! We are now indoors on a flat dirt surface. Inside the D Building at the Bannock County Event Center. Bannock County will be partnering with us this year and we could not be more excited!
This is a family ran haunt. We are Frank and Nikki Jorgenson. We have raised and continue to raise our kids here in Pocatello. The haunted house business is something that has been passed for multiple generations. Our family is proud to carry on the creepy tradition! There are lots of jump scares, but no touching. Definitely not for the faint of heart.
Why SRD? S.nake R.iver D.oodles & Friends is a local provider of Low Cost Medical Alert Dogs. They also provide free animal therapy services to the community nursing facilities, hospitals, fire departments, and lots more. The Haunt is our main annual fundraiser, and we appreciate it!
Dates & Hours:
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Disclaimer: Always verify important information with the attraction directly before attending. We appreciate your understanding and, as always, stay scary! ~The Scare Factor