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The Springdale Haunted House

Haunted Attraction
Haunted House

214 N Main Street, Springdale, WA 99173

Charity Haunt

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The Springdale Haunted House Facebook Page

About This Attraction:


The Haunted House is sponsored by the Camas Valley Grange #842, and 50 percent of the proceeds go to the Grange and the other 50 percent goes to props and maintenance of the Haunted House. The Grange uses the proceeds to host a free Veterans Dinner every November and a free Christmas Dinner every December for the community.

In addition to the Haunted House, there will be a Carnival which will include a Ducky Pond, a Ghost Toss, a Bat fishing game, a Ring Toss, and Face Painting. There will be a Creepy Café where people can purchase inexpensive snacks and refreshments. There will also be a Kiddy Theater where children can watch movies.

Dates & Hours:

None Provided.


Disclaimer: Always verify important information with the attraction directly before attending. We appreciate your understanding and, as always, stay scary! ~The Scare Factor

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