Helheim Haunted Attraction
Full Review

3081 Chapman Road, Wytheville, VA 24382
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✓-Free Parking
✓-“Hi-Tech” Attraction
✓-You may be touched
✓-Original Characters
✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line
✓-Indoor/Outdoor Attraction

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This attraction was reviewed on October 11, 2019 by Team Hellhounds.

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Final Score: 8.68

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Helheim sits right off the side of I-81 in Wytheville, VA. It can be seen from the interstate, and although it might not look like much at first glance, I assure you, looks can be deceiving! We saw things here that we have never seen before and were offered more than just a haunted house. It was quite a surprise, and we are glad we had the chance to go!

As a note, feel free to dress up and add some excitement to your trip. You might just find yourself getting picked on a tad bit more than others! The characters might just jump into your storyline as well. All that is asked is to not wear big puffy costumes. Remember: you are going through a haunted attraction with dark spaces, narrow halls, and pointy objects/people. They do not need you getting tangled up on anything or anyone. Besides, if you get stuck, the monsters here just might eat you for a late-night snack, or worse’

Cast: 8.63

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This haunted attraction has some of the best actors we have seen thus far in our haunted ventures. They work extremely well together and play off of each other’s energy. Not only that, your energy, vibe, and attitude will contribute to what they are willing to do. No one is safe from the tormented souls in Helheim. Think you are big and bad, not scared of anything? Don’t let that show here! Are you scared and want to crumble to your knees? Your weakness is their desire and they will suck it right up.

The very first part of this haunt is extremely interactive and we had a blast. We were made to dance, and when I say I am the ‘whitest’ dancer alive, I mean it! I do not have an ounce of rhythm in my body. So what does the King ask? ‘Why are you dancing like a penguin that has diarrhea?’ I almost lost it I tell you! Then I was told that my head was wanted. They said I had a nice head that was already torn up. I did have three huge bear claw scratches going down my face. See why we say dressing up can be fun? After all that, I had to play dead. Literally had to lay down on the ground and play dead. Hey! I am not a dog! Since I did listen, where is my treat anyway? They preceded to lightly kick me to ensure I was in fact, dead. And then, oh my goodness, they saw my keys hanging on the front belt loop of my pants. So what do you think they do? Try to take them off. I immediately awoke from the dead and hollered ‘hey now!’ Needless to say, I failed the test, scored a 3, and would later regret my decision. This is not an exhaustive list of what happened, just merely a small overview of what we had to endure! What happens is all unique to the group going in. No matter what, it was a blast, and I am sure you will have a tremendous amount of fun in this section!

With that being said, some of the cast could have some improvements. The dialogue was not a huge factor in the first walk-through here. My team and I tried very hard to get the characters to talk, but it seemed as though they just didn’t know what to say, or maybe they were just trying not to break character. However, one actor who followed us, almost attached to our hips, carrying the head of a late clown was rather chatty. Although nothing he said put us at ease for the rest of excursion. RIP ‘Deadles.’ We are so sorry we could not find the rest of your body. Enjoy your clown friends wherever it is you all go in the afterlife. The rest of the actors in this part, do what they were supposed to. The majority of them were hidden well, and some camouflaged perfectly in with their environment. Yes, I am talking about you, ‘Mr. Bush.’

The final part of this haunt is absolutely bonkers! The actors here are over the top and loud! They saved the best for last, and we could not have been more thrilled. Be sure to keep a lookout everywhere. To the left, right, above, and below, but do not look in one place too long. The cast is great at getting multiple scares at a time. Just because one gets you, for the love of all things scary, do not let your guard down. My team and I made that mistake, and let’s just say we all ended up laughing maniacally. Well, my team, not so much. We were just trying to get through.

One actor here absolutely deserves a shout out, a huge shout out for his performance. Good Boy George! He has by far been the most engaging, enthralling, stimulating actor we have ever had the pleasure of getting to encounter. We have talked about him every day now and cannot seem to quit. We are always able to reference him in one way or another. Good Boy George, keep up the good work and maybe you to, at some point, will get a treat!

Costuming: 8.93

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All of the actors wore complete and in full costumes. From footwear, to clothing, to makeup – it was all very realistic and convincing. They even had people on stilts towering way above us. Thank you for making me jump to give you a high five. That took a lot out of me! Some actors had light-up masks with eyes that moved. It was pretty darn cool if I do say so myself. One actor had on a skin-tight morph suit. I highly appreciated this because I wore one last Halloween. It absolutely fits the scene and smelled like bar-b-que. Mmm mmm mmm. Now I am kind of hungry, might need to go back. One of the owners was dressed in complete costume and I don’t know how he didn’t have a heat stroke. Layers upon layers on, but he worked through it to give the best possible performance to everyone who showed up for the night. And again, Good Boy George; his costuming was dead perfect! I think they are trying to push what a haunted house can/is allowed to do and we are in love with it! Time to break down some walls and stigmas and see just how far you can go!

Customer Service: 9.57

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Down here in the ‘South,’ we see a recurring theme when it comes to this section. Everyone is always so pleasant and polite. They take the time to actually hold a conversation and will do their best to answer any question you may have. Beware, it might not be what you want to hear, but it will get you on your toes, make you sweat and question if you really want to go through with your decision to enter. Everyone we encountered, minus the ghouls and goblins, had a smile on their face. They genuinely wanted all of us to have a good time and experience.

As stated above, Helheim is very easy to find. It is right off I-81 and I-77 corridor and can be seen from the interstate. Parking is free but is limited. If multiple people are going, we and they suggest carpooling. It will save time and allow others to park and enjoy their night. Information on Helheim is easy to find from a simple Google search or on their Facebook page. Keep a lookout out there as they have nights with discounted tickets or food drives for discount tickets. The night we went, they were doing a peanut butter food drive, and if you brought a jar of PB, you would be given $3 off your ticket.

Atmosphere: 7.78

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The atmosphere outside the haunt is fairly tame. At least it was the night we went. They had concessions set up from an outside source selling hot dogs, drinks, funnel cakes, and more. Some characters were walking around making us all feel uneasy and wanting to get away. Fear not; we stood our ground! Or tried to for the most part. Seeing some more decorations or props, or having eerie music playing might would have got us a little more excited for a trip inside, but nonetheless, we knew we were at a haunted attraction.

Special Effects: 8.71

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These guys kicked – insert appropriate dialogue here ‘ in this category. The scenes inside the haunt were absolutely awesome and beautifully detailed. We could not find a thing wrong with any of the scenes inside. It would have been nice if all of our senses could have been engaged. Some of the scenes could really have been boosted if scents were used to help immerse us into the action. As well as having something as simple as water being squirted in particular places. That might have caught us off guard and added a level of intensity to our journey. Lighting throughout the haunt was quite impressive. The sound was very well done. Machinery was loud and made us want to run! Was that a circular saw she was wielding around? Can we say crazy? With all the sights, sounds, scenes, props, details, this haunt did a great job of maintaining suspension of disbelief. Quite a few of the special effects caused us to jump, heart to race, or even get butterflies in our stomach (wink face).

Theme: N/A

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While no specific theme is followed, you are sure to find something from your worst nightmare or maybe from your darkest fantasy! Ooh la la. Characters are in abundance at this haunt and range from mild to wild. Many different scenes will have you asking yourself if you are going crazy or is this just a dream.

Scare Factor: 8.66

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Ahh, the almighty question. The big Kahuna. Was it scary? In short, yes! Coming from a team that doesn’t get startled so easily, they got us quite a few times. The number of screams we heard from others was outrageous! Seeing all the patrons running for their lives from the exits was quite a thrill. If you are not used to haunted houses, the scares are not predictable, especially inside the haunt. Outside on the trail, if looking hard enough, you can pretty much determine what/who/when something is going to happen. My suggestion, just have fun. Don’t look for the scares, don’t get prepared. Let nature do as it pleases and you will have so much more of a scary time. That is exactly what we do and it adds a lot more excitement to our escapades. Inside, there is no preparing. You cannot see anything coming, so don’t try. Keep focused on moving forward and staying with your group. Don’t get left behind; you never know who’s pet you may become. The ending was pretty strong and caused me and my team to jump. The actors here work well with one another and you never see them coming. One of the better endings we have experienced so far this haunt season.

Entertainment & Value: 8.43

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This is where I usually tell you if I think it is worth the price. My advice this time, go and find out for yourselves! I do not believe you will regret it at all. We had so much fun and want to go back again! I probably will and take some more friends. It is entertaining and amusing. Tickets are $15 per person and it took us about 23 minutes the get through. That gave us about 1.53 minutes of pure terror per minute. During the offseason, they offer live bands in their ‘pit’ and bonfires. They are hoping to open up for different shows in other seasons such as Christmas and Valentine’s day. Keep a lookout on their website and Facebook page for updates on this. One last note, they used their available space in the best ways and although some minor improvements can be made to the walking trail, the inside was absolutely phenomenal. Go and see for yourselves what they have to offer and hopefully you will make it out alive with all limbs intact!

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