Madworld Haunted House
Full Review

147 Country Manor Road, Piedmont, SC 29673
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✓-Free Parking
✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site
✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs
✓-Optional Games/Midway
✓-“Hi-Tech” Attraction
✓-You will NOT be touched
✓-Original Characters
✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line
✓-Indoor/Outdoor Attraction
✓-Family Friendly

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This attraction was reviewed on October 26, 2019 by Team Jefferson Starship.

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Final Score: 8.31

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Back for another year of screams, ready to deliver another visual feast, is MadWorld Haunted Attraction. Located just off of I-85 near Piedmont, SC, MadWorld has nearly a decade of experience at bringing an amazing show to its guests. Every year, the cast and crew of this haunt work at improving their craft, but also have a dedicated focus to providing guests an amazing evening of entertainment. Their huge staff ‘ both in costume and out ‘ works hard to make sure that everyone who comes through the decorated arch at the top of the hill leaves again happy and with their hearts pounding.

Cast: 7.96

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MadWorld has a huge cast of costumed actors throughout its boundaries. This year there were some physical changes to MadWorld’s midway area and as a result the roaming actors outside the main show have an additional tool at their disposal to elicit some shocks and screams from guests. The haunters who stalk the exterior of the haunt are a great group ‘ while many of them are silent, there are a few who are quick to quip about anything and everything. These creatures are also available and willing to pose for photos ‘ a great little memory of a visit to the haunt.

Behind the walls of MadWorld, there is a cast of characters that easily reaches impossible to track numbers. We were told that the number of staff on-site during a busy night can easily reach 200 members; while not all of those are in costume, the vast majority certainly are.

Some of the actors that deal the most with visitors get extra-training starting early in the year. Keep an eye on MadWorld’s online presence to catch a glimpse of this during the year.

Costuming: 8.36

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While some of these creatures use simple startles and jump scares, appearing from concealed panels, others are out in the open with elaborate costumes, masks, and makeup. With so many actors, getting them all costumed and ready is certainly a chore. It is easy to see why the more elaborate examples of makeup, prosthetics, and masks are on the actors who are visible and directly interacting with the guests.

Overall, MadWorld does a great job of ensuring that the appearance of their actors fits in with the various scenes and locales in which they are placed. The stains of splattered blood are ubiquitous while dirt and grime make many an appropriate appearance as well.

The masks on the actors hanging around the queue lines and waiting areas are all used to great effect. If you want to see some detailed masks and prosthetics, spend some time in MadWorld’s midway area.

Customer Service: 9.32

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This haunt is easy to locate. A side-road that parallels I-85 runs right up to the parking lots outside the haunt, and, on the night of our visit, a set of huge spotlights scratched at the sky-covered clouds like fingers reaching from a grave. An online website, as well as a social media presence across multiple platforms, lists times of operation and costs, as well as gives guests a peek as to what awaits.

There are plenty of non-costumed staff on hand to assist guests ‘ from parking attendants to ticket booth operators, to staff roaming the midway area inside the gates. If a guest were to need anything, someone in a MadWorld staff shirt is typically only a shout away. MadWorld has a dedicated customer relations manager and team ready to assist folks in any way they can.

While we were on-site, we were able to witness first-hand how far the customer service team was willing to go to help a fan. A gentlemen on site had just exited the haunt and was excited because he recognized one of the costumed monsters deep in the haunt as a friend from his childhood that he hadn’t seen in years. MadWorld customer service was able to get the haunt-goer a second discounted ticket so that he could go back through the haunt to say hello to his friend again before he left for the night. Dedication to their fans and service to the overall haunt-family is a big part of the MadWorld mission.

MadWorld is also one of the few haunts in the state to offer a low-scare option. For a small additional fee, guests can purchase a glowing medallion that can be used to keep the monsters away. It should be noted that the monsters of the midway tend to have elaborate masks and may not immediately notice a medallion, but the creatures in the house will surely see the light that it casts.

MadWorld is, at its core, a walking trail through the Upstate woods. Be prepared for the occasional minor trip hazard on the reworked trail; visitors should be sure to wear appropriate clothing for a hike, not a dance party (though there are plenty of opportunities to dance outside the haunt). Heed the warnings posted at the ticket booth ‘ like many haunts, guests will encounter strobes, heavy fog, loud sounds, and the occasional tight squeeze.

Atmosphere: 8.68

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Outside the ticketing area, a huge looming archway and loud raucous music watch visitors arriving, occasionally lit by huge pulses of flame. Within the archway, a huge fa������ade resembling a decrepit mansion or rotting hospital takes up a huge expanse of the visual landscape. Projectors display movies or videos, monsters roam through the crowds, and a variety of photo-ops dot the edges. Visitors will definitely know that they’re at a one-of-a-kind destination when they walk in to MadWorld.

Special Effects: 8.18

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MadWorld does occasionally pull from cultural references to deliver their scares, but the vast majority of the haunt is constructed of original sets with a variety of customized props and creative scares. In addition to the myriad and diverse sights, the crew behind the scenes have also included sounds, music, and even scents throughout the journey. Though our keen veteran eyes were occasionally able to pick out where things might be coming from next or how certain effects were produced, we’re certain that the average visitor will be too concerned with screaming in fear or jumping in surprise to pay too much attention to such minor things.

Theme: N/A

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There is not a single theme to MadWorld’s wide variety of scenes and scares. Guests will witness a hospital where things have gone amok with the asylum patients running the show before transitioning to such venues as an old mine, an ancient tomb, a cannibal diner, and even a tropical jungle. Each of these areas are separate from one another, blending together along a path that twists and winds between nightmares and phobias.

Scare Factor: 7.83

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The monsters at MadWorld do their best to strike out at everyone in a group. Though we were able to visit towards the end of an evening, they were still giving it their all with gusto and energy. We did happen to get really close to a group walking in front of us ‘ too scared to move forward, they brought the journey to a near standstill at times. Too, we had other groups that caught up to us, their footsteps hurried by excitement and fear. None of that deterred the cast from doing their best to deliver creepy one-liners, menacing stares, and roaring shouts to as many people as they could reach.

MadWorld delivers a rather unique explosion of sensation right before its finale to further disorient and dazzle its guests. Just as we recovered from that and were able to regain our sight and footing, the traditional roaring chainsaw that heralds the end of nearly all Southern haunts rang out in our ears to follow us through the very last door.

Entertainment & Value: 8.27

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Our trip through MadWorld’s haunt took us approximately 30 minutes. Given the $30 general admission price, this works out to a reasonable minute per dollar spent. However, guests should also consider the extra amenities offered this year.

For a small additional fee, guests are able to purchase carnival tickets that can be used at a variety of other attractions ‘ a trio of carnival games, face-painting, and a short escape room. These extra-attractions are tucked away to one side of the midway, between the entrance queue and the exit. There are also two separate food vending options, a huge firepit, and a covered area filled with picnic tables. We felt that we could have easily spent most of the night just hanging out and enjoying the atmosphere of fun that fills MadWorld’s midway area.

Too, there is the aforementioned no-scare medallions, available at the ticket booth, that can give an added measure of ‘safety’ for those who are easily scared. This contributes to making MadWorld an accessible place for all ages as well as for those who want to experience the haunt with their braver friends and family.

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8.8/10 (1 Guest Reviews)



Widest Variet of Original Character Queue Actors


Best Use of Fog


Best Character Makeup

Grossest Scene

Most Atrocious Scent

Most Interactive Queue Entertainers


Most Interactive Queue Entertainers


Scariest Haunt in South Carolina

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