✓-Free Parking✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site✓-Food/Concessions✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs✓-Optional Games/Midway✓-“Hi-Tech” Attraction✓-“Extreme” Attraction✓-You may be touched✓-Original Characters✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line✓-Indoor/Outdoor Attraction
How Do We Get These Scores?
Our Rating System
UPDATE FOR 2022: Our former “Atmosphere” and “Theme” categories have now been combined and renamed “Immersion.” Our intent with this is to give more appropriate credit to attractions that have shown a clear focus on achieving and maintaining better customer experiences (both inside and outside the attractions) and developing creative storylines.
Each of the category scores in this review are calculated using a weighted average of several questions that we rate on a scale of 1 to 10.
The following breakdown explains what these scores typically mean. All of our Teams use this as a reference for providing accurate ratings:
10: “Peak Performance”This score is treated as if it has a chastity belt on it. “10’s” are reserved for the best of the best; those that we feel could not possibly improve on what they’re doing.
9: “Innovative and Groundbreaking”It rocked! Nearly everything seemed to go as planned and it was one of the best we’ve ever seen! These guys are leaders in the industry, and attractions like this are truly hard to come by.
8: “Solid”A high score on our scale. They had a good handle on it and, overall, they knew how to use it well. Most attractions can learn from what these guys are doing.
6 to 7: “Good”We could tell that a good effort was made. However, we’ve seen this done much better at other places, or can detect areas where significant improvements can be made. This is about the top end of what we’d call “Family Friendly.”
5: “Average / Fair”Compared to the competition, they weren’t the best, but definitely not the worst. Scares and Special Effects in this range are usually considered “Family Friendly.”
3 to 4: “Below Average”We could see that a clear attempt was made, but most other professional attractions are doing a much better job at this.
1 to 2: “Poor”It appeared that very little time, thought or effort was contributed to this aspect.
0 (Zero): “Non-Existent”No apparent effort was made to make this a significant contributor to the attraction.
Afterword:This rating system is standardized across all of The Scare Factor’s official haunt review teams. However, keep in mind there will always be minor differences between Teams, as we all have varying levels of experience. Regardless, we do our best to remain true to our core values, which is to promote all haunted attractions!Perhaps the biggest thing to remember is: sometimes the score – in and of itself – doesn’t tell the whole story about an attraction’s merits. This is why we provide detailed explanations for each category… to help you better understand how and why we chose the score/s that we did.We do our best to not let feelings or emotions rule our judgement, while also viewing the attraction through the lens of the typical haunt-goer. But, because all reviews with ratings are inherently subjective, this is nearly impossible to completely prevent. Though, when in doubt, we tend to give slightly lower scores than our original “gut feelings” to account for this, and also give the attraction more room to improve over time.We also do our best to be fair and consistent across all of the haunts that we review. We know that you’ll be looking at these scores and comparing them to other attractions, so we hope this review helps you out in that aspect.Do you have some feedback about our review system? Contact Us Here to let us know what you think!
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Final Score: 8.45
How Did We Get This Score?
Final Scores:
(15% of Final Score) Cast: 7.95
(15% of Final Score) Costuming: 8.13
(10% of Final Score) Customer Service: 10
(10% of Final Score) Atmosphere: 9
(15% of Final Score) Special Effects: 8.9
(5% of Final Score) Theme: 8.3
(15% of Final Score) Scare Factor: 8
(5% of Final Score) Entertainment & Value: 7.9
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A classic tale of deceit and murder, punishment and bloody revenge, the manor is home to a successful coal baron and his lovely wife. While others may assume we have a happy couple here, all was not well. The young wife begins an illicit affair that ends with a single murder and a hanging. From there, tensions rise to a massacre of epic proportions. As the Maniacs living in the surrounding mountain seek revenge for their lost member, no one is safe. This leads to a house forever cursed, a cornfield that is stained with the blood of the innocent (and craving more), and a junkyard over-run with madmen, AKA the Maniacs.
This haunted attraction features three parts: Hell House, Killing Field, and Death Metal. This is a mostly outdoor complex, so dress and plan your trip with this in mind.
General Admission tickets cost $40 and VIP cost $60. Recommended age for this haunt is 13 and older.
Cast: 7.95
How Did We Get This Score?
Cast Scores (15% of Final Score):
(20% of Cast Score) Did it seem like there were enough actors?: 8.5
(30% of Cast Score) How creative, believable and convincing were the actors?: 8
(20% of Cast Score) How interactive were the actors (verbally and physically)?: 8
(15% of Cast Score) How creatively & appropriately did they use dialogue?: 7.5Explanation:
We experienced some fun ad-lib with some of the characters. This is something that will get easier we you get more practice, so that you will have more characters who can create cleaver answers to questions or ask/threaten in creative ways.
(15% of Cast Score) Was there a good variety of characters?: 8
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Hell House and Death Metal most certainly had plenty of actors throughout. We were coming up face to face with someone at nearly every turn. It felt like there was an actor tucked away in every nook and cranny in the place. Killing Field had some actors but also had long stretches of time with no sounds or action. This can be an effective tactic to use, as a person can get a little nervous about getting lost inside a dark and massive cornfield, but only if used in moderation.
The actors were on point. They displayed a variety of emotions and behaviors. Some were stealthy and would lurk around. Some would run at us or after us. Some would block our way through and just stare at us, while others yelled and banged things. Still, some would say scary things and others could throw out an unexpected joke or two.
The clown in the junkyard section was prepared with a response when we answered, “Yes,” to his invitation to join him and his group. All of a sudden we found ourselves swearing oaths and dancing like fools at the clown’s command. The tall plant guy in the garden had something to say after we told him we liked tall guys. This is a secret I am keeping with me, but it raised my eyebrows! One lady in the kitchen seemed ‘friendly’ enough at first when she invited us to dinner, but then threatened to bash us if we tried to take her man! After showing off her axe, in my face, we were convinced she meant business.
Death Metal had many characters whose look gave a Mad Max feel. Others were more like mutated critters, while we also found a traveling clown or two. We met some people with various conditions, like being burned or paralyzed. We had characters coming at us from all sides, even from above, and they even shot at us with fully automatic weapons.
Hell House had all kinds of dark and mysterious characters. We started with a partially hidden young lady who crept up on us and served as a screamer. We met a doll-loving girl who also doesn’t take too kindly to being told no. We ended up taking a stroll through the garden and met with a variety of plant and statue-type creatures. Returning to the house, we almost became dinner before being forced to the basement to see all the punishments that have been dealt out over the years by basement creatures and maniacs. We again found ourselves in a kind of privacy fence maze with kids threatening us with tainted water and oversized bloodied creatures.
Killing Field was very dark, so we mostly saw dark outlines and silhouettes of characters. Every once in a while, we would see a mask or face if they popped out close to one of the candles lighting the path. We were chased by something big and loud that also has a wild man that decided to run us out with his chainsaw.
Costuming: 8.13
How Did We Get This Score?
Costuming Scores (15% of Final Score):
(15% of Costuming Score) How complete / finished did the costumes appear to be?: 8
(25% of Costuming Score) How creative / detailed were the costumes?: 7.5Explanation:
Costumes were good! Nothing was truly glaring, but there were some costumes we thought could be a little more clear as to who they are or why they were there. The girl at the piano comes to mind.
(20% of Costuming Score) Was their makeup creative? Detailed? Realistic?: 8
(15% of Costuming Score) How effectively did they use masks (if used)?: 8
(25% of Costuming Score) How appropriate were the costumes for their scene/s & theme/s?: 9
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All the costumes we could see appeared to fit as they should and looked complete. They were dirtied, bloodied, and tattered; and frankly, some looked like they probably smelled (in a good and convincing way). Everything that should be hidden or covered was hidden and covered. Most costumes looked custom, of the costumes we could see. There was one girl at the piano in Hell House that appeared to have a hood over most of her face as if she were wearing a hoodie of some sort. It was unclear to us exactly what she was. The folks on stilts had appropriate fabric covering the legs to the ground. The circus clown had a nice ringmaster ensemble, which provided a nice break from the traditional clown jumpsuit we often see.
The masks were all detailed and very different from one another. All fit well and fit with the costume and scene. They were custom-made and appeared to be of high quality. Make-up was bloodied, or scarred, We saw some ghostly pale faces and some injured faces. All make-up did appear to also fit in nicely with the character and scene.
Customer Service: 10
How Did We Get This Score?
Customer Service Scores (10% of Final Score):
(25% of CS Score) How easy was it to locate the attraction, park, and navigate the premises?: 10
(30% of CS Score) How safe was the attraction?: 10
(25% of CS Score) How professional, helpful and friendly were the staff members?: 10
(20% of CS Score) How easy was it to find their information before* arrival?: 10
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Maniac Mountain has a Facebook account as well as a website. Important, and basic information is available including options to purchase tickets online, calendar, address, directions, and contact information.
GPS got us to the property with no trouble. There was a large sign by the road indicating where to make the turn to get to the large, open field parking lot. Upon arrival, we saw three men working to help direct parking. Directly ahead, we could see a well-lit building and some very large structures in the background. Making our way to the ticket booth, we signed a waiver and walked on to the haunt. Immediately, we found a directional sign indicating the locations of the three attractions.
The staff was friendly and enjoyable to talk to. Staff members were moving about the property and stationed at the entrance of each attraction. No safety concerns were noted.
Atmosphere: 9
How Did We Get This Score?
Atmosphere Scores (10% of Final Score):
(60% of Atmosphere Score) How obvious was it that you were at a haunted house before entering?: 9
(40% of Atmosphere Score) How well did the atmosphere prepare you for what you experienced inside?: 9
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When we first arrived at 7 pm, the overall feel of the place was calm and quiet, much like the beginnings of a festival before the real action begins. Once the people began pouring in to start lining up for the attraction of their choice, the feeling started to change to one of more excitement. Once the starting siren wailed in the night air, a switch was flipped and the excitement turned to electricity.
Each entrance had just enough light to help customers find their way to the waiting areas without being too bright to hinder the spooky mood. Sprinkled throughout the area were Halloween-themed decorations with a very large inflatable Grim Reaper, string lights, fodder shocks, 12-foot skeletons, candles, and fire elements. Once darkness took hold and the attractions began sending in customers, the night was filled with simulated gunfire and screams and cheers of everyone moving around. We were entertained by two pyrotechnic wonders who were moving about playing with fire in mesmerizing fashion.
Special Effects: 8.9
How Did We Get This Score?
Special Effects Scores (15% of Final Score):
(20% of SFX Score) How effective were the sound effects?: 8.5
(20% of SFX Score) How creative / original were the scenes & props?: 9
(20% of SFX Score) How well were the scenes detailed?: 9
(25% of SFX Score) How well did they achieve & maintain the suspension of disbelief?: 9
(15% of SFX Score) How effective were the SFX at providing scares / entertainment?: 9
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One word: pyrotechnics. Death Metal not only used them to create the awesome signage at the entrance to their domain, but also included them inside. There is just something about seeing a car on fire to put a person on high alert. They created stationary fully automatic guns that fired on us more than once. Their use of metal to make excessively loud bangs was masterful. They also included the spark tools that startle the unsuspecting. Lighting was just enough to allow us to see. In addition to all of this, we were treated to some very heavy metal music to really put us on edge and feeling amped.
Hell House: The music inside added to the overall creepy feel of the place. The props and treatment of the house definitely told the story of a place long-neglected and no doubt haunted. Vines and holes through the ceiling and walls, abandoned books on shelves, and a playing piano all added to the haunted feel of this place. The kitchen is nasty, with blood and bones strung everywhere. The bathroom was also blackened with what appeared to be mold. In the garden, we found some springing animatronics.
Killing Field had chainsaws. They also effectively whispered in tones that, although I couldn’t tell exactly what they said, I was sure they were whispering about me. At one point I could hear the sounds of crickets. The cornfield was very dark, with candles spread out to offer a little clue as to the path we needed to take.
Theme: 8.3
How Did We Get This Score?
Theme Scores (5% of Final Score):
(30% of Theme Score) Could you tell what the theme was?: 8
(50% of Theme Score) How well was the theme carried throughout the attraction/s?: 8
(20% of Theme Score) How well does their location authenticate the theme?: 9.5
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The theme I read online was very interesting, but did not translate onto the grounds easily. An easy fix to this could be to add some queue actors to represent the Baron, his wife, and a Maniac or two. Also, include the story within the dialogue of the characters to tie everything together.
By simply walking the grounds, one would assume the theme would be simply a crazed town, which is also ok, just not as inspired as the background provided on the website.
Scare Factor: 8
How Did We Get This Score?
Scare Factor Scores (15% of Final Score):
(30% of Scare Factor Score) How scary was it?: 8.5
(15% of Scare Factor Score) How well did they provide scares to the entire group?: 9
(25% of Scare Factor Score) How predictable were the scares?: 8
(15% of Scare Factor Score) How well did they provide a wide variety of scares?: 7
(15% of Scare Factor Score) How strong was the ending / finale?: 7Explanation:
Death Metal was already scary with the guns firing. The metal face guy begging for help was a good scene, just not a grande finale. Chainsaws do get people, but they are used a lot.
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We were approached by someone nearly all the time. We were subjected to jump scares, loud bangs, gunfire, verbal threats, scenes with a lot of gore, creepy lurking characters that just made us uncomfortable, and animatronics that flashed light and shook violently. Scares were evenly divided out in our group, with the scares coming from all directions.
Entertainment & Value: 7.9
How Did We Get This Score?
Entertainment & Value Factor Scores (15% of Final Score):
(30% of E&V Score) How satisfied were you with the entertainment received during the main attraction/s?: 9
(25% of E&V Score) How satisfied were you with the entertainment that’s available with* the ticket price, excluding the main attraction/s?: 7Explanation:
The fire people were awesome! You could also provide some characters to entertain/scare people while standing in line. Ax throwing is another good addition to the entertainment area.
(30% of E&V Score) How appropriate is/are the ticket price/s?: 7Explanation:
No doubt you have a lot invested in this attraction. I hope that you can get to the place where you will be able to lower the price of general admission to be more in line with what others are charging.
(15% of E&V Score) Have they effectively used their available space?: 9
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Ticket prices: General admission is $40 and includes all three attractions. The VIP ticket, at $60, also includes all three attractions as well as a shorter wait. The minutes per dollar ratio is 0.7 minutes per dollar, putting this on the pricier side. With that said, the quality of costuming, acting, and overall entertainment is also something to be considered. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves here and are looking forward to watching what happens each year.
How Did We Get These Scores
Our Rating System
Each of the category scores in this review are calculated using a weighted average of several questions that we rate on a scale of 1 to 10.
The following breakdown explains what these scores typically mean. All of our Teams use this as a reference for providing accurate ratings:
10: “Peak Performance”This score is treated as if it has a chastity belt on it. “10’s” are reserved for the best of the best; those that we feel could not possibly improve on what they’re doing.
9: “Innovative and Groundbreaking”It rocked! Nearly everything seemed to go as planned and it was one of the best we’ve ever seen! These guys are leaders in the industry, and attractions like this are truly hard to come by.
8: “Solid”A high score on our scale. They had a good handle on it and, overall, they knew how to use it well. Most attractions can learn from what these guys are doing.
6 to 7: “Good”We could tell that a good effort was made. However, we’ve seen this done much better at other places, or can detect areas where significant improvements can be made. This is about the top end of what we’d call “Family Friendly.”
5: “Average / Fair”Compared to the competition, they weren’t the best, but definitely not the worst. Scares and Special Effects in this range are usually considered “Family Friendly.”
3 to 4: “Below Average”We could see that a clear attempt was made, but most other professional attractions are doing a much better job at this.
1 to 2: “Poor”It appeared that very little time, thought or effort was contributed to this aspect.
0 (Zero): “Non-Existent”No apparent effort was made to make this a significant contributor to the attraction.
Afterword:This rating system is standardized across all of The Scare Factor’s official haunt review teams. However, keep in mind there will always be minor differences between Teams, as we all have varying levels of experience. Regardless, we do our best to remain true to our core values, which is to promote all haunted attractions!Perhaps the biggest thing to remember is: sometimes the score – in and of itself – doesn’t tell the whole story about an attraction’s merits. This is why we provide detailed explanations for each category… to help you better understand how and why we chose the score/s that we did.We do our best to not let feelings or emotions rule our judgement, while also viewing the attraction through the lens of the typical haunt-goer. But, because all reviews with ratings are inherently subjective, this is nearly impossible to completely prevent. Though, when in doubt, we tend to give slightly lower scores than our original “gut feelings” to account for this, and also give the attraction more room to improve over time.We also do our best to be fair and consistent across all of the haunts that we review. We know that you’ll be looking at these scores and comparing them to other attractions, so we hope this review helps you out in that aspect.Do you have some feedback about our review system? Contact Us Here to let us know what you think!
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Best Actual Haunted House