The Basement at Escape Crawford
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This attraction was reviewed on June 23, 2019 by Team Houdini.

Final Score: 8.6


What better way to spend an hour on a hot Sunday than to be locked in a cool, dark, dingy, basement bathroom in an old schoolhouse? Perhaps not everyone’s dream for a weekend getaway, Escape Crawford definitely provides an amusing time. Escape Crawford is the exciting, new, multi-room escape room located at the Crawford School of Terror in Connellsville, PA.

Escape Crawford offers a mix of first and second-generation locks and puzzles. The owners pride themselves on creating all the challenges themselves and producing a one-of-a-kind experience.

Atmosphere & Customer Service: 6.33

Escape Crawford was easy to find using Google maps and GPS. As you arrive the intimidating, aging, red brick school house looms above. A large sign sits in front of the building advertising the Crawford School of Terror, which hosts this escape room. Parking was available in front of the building while access to the escape room is on the left side of the building.

As we entered the doors to the side of the school, we stepped into the foyer that revealed steps leading down to the basement. The walls were dark and damaged. Emerging from the dimly-lit basement of the school was one of our game masters, Suzie. Suzie and her husband Troy are the owners and operators of Escape Crawford and the Crawford School of Terror. There is no lobby or any pre-game puzzles, but Escape Crawford wastes little time before throwing its victims into the game. After signing the customary waivers, Suzie explained the rules and told us the story of Crawford Escape Room.

Troy was also on site. They were both enthusiastic in answering all of our questions and offered some additional insights of the set up and design of the room. Troy was responsible for providing hints and directions during the game with his deep solemn voice. He did an excellent job of proving valuable information without providing the actual answers to the problems.

Immersion: 9.33

Escape Crawford is set in a dilapidated school bathroom, located in the basement of the school. Before engaging, Suzie explained the theme, the history and the story of the room. Taking a slightly different approach to hints, the whole team must agree that a clue is needed. They must face one of the cameras, which are in each room, and everyone must raise their hands.

Once we entered the puzzle area, the door was locked shut and a screen on the wall started counting down. Although it seemed simplistic the design was very immersive and detailed. They utilized some existing pieces of the original washroom. The walls felt dirty, cobwebs had taken over the rooms, pipes ran along the walls and ceilings, and valves protruded from the walls. Flickering lights dimly illuminated the dark room. Disgusting toilets and sinks filled the other rooms. Being difficult to tell what was original and what was added, it felt reminiscent of the opening scene of Saw.

A delicate soundtrack added to the anxiety of the room. Perhaps this was a figment of the imagination, but it felt as if the flickering lights seemed to change as we moved through the room and work through different puzzles.
The design and layout fit the story well. The details and realism of the sets added to the eerie vibe of the room.

Gameplay: 9.23

The puzzles were original and unique to the bathroom setting. Even though we have done quite a few rooms, we encountered some new and interesting enigmas.

All of the challenges were interactive – some requiring multiple teammates to work together at one time. One required a small physical feat that some may not enjoy; I had to take one for the team and it did add more realism to the game. The puzzle provided a good challenge without being overly complicated or complex. If there was an issue where we were stumped the game master would ask if we needed a hint or, if we were close, would give a slight push to keep the game progressing.

A screen in the first room provided a countdown timer as well as a periodic announcement from the control room. Although useful and common in many rooms, it felt slightly out of place with the old decrepit theme of the room.

Entertainment & Value: 9.5

Luckily we completed the room with a few moments to spare. We were very entertained with our experience. A good story, original puzzles, and detailed design provided a superb experience.

The cost is $25 a person, up to 8 people, which is below average for escape rooms in the area.

At only a few months in the success rate is estimated at 60%, slightly higher than average, it provides a good introduction into escape rooms and some imaginative challenges for veteran escapers.

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