Face Your Fears Hotel of TerrorFull Review
1291 Cold Springs Road, Springfield, OH 45502(View Full Attraction Info)

✓-Free Parking✓-Restrooms/Porta Potties On-Site✓-Food/Concessions✓-Gift Shop/Souvenirs✓-“Extreme” Attraction✓-You may be touched✓-You will NOT be touched✓-Original Characters✓-Uncovered Outdoor Waiting Line✓-Indoor/Outdoor Attraction✓-Family Friendly

Review Team/Author Info:
This attraction was reviewed by Team Zombillies on September 22, 2023.Team Since: September 1, 2010 | Experience: Master TeamEditor: Team Zombillies (Master Team).
Final Score: 9.31
Final Scores – By Category

Final Scores – By Attraction

Hotels are warm and cozy places to rest after a long day, right? Face Your Fears Hotel of Terror in Springfield, Ohio, is not your average hotel. This abandoned 1800s Edwards Hotel is home to some of the most terrifying denizens of horror, and local lore claims that the grounds are a hotbed of paranormal activity.
When you check in to this haunted attraction, be prepared to be scared. The Hotel was awarded the title of ‘Scariest Haunt in the state’ by TheScareFactor.com in 2022, and it lives up to its name. If you’re brave enough, you can opt for the touch passes, making the experience even more intense.
Be prepared to climb multiple stairs and face one of the most gruesome finales in any haunted house basement.
This review is based on the glow necklace experience, which is the most extreme option. Before entering, you’ll be warned that you may be touched, split up, locked in a cage, or even put in a refrigerator. But if you’re ready to face your fears, this is the experience for you.
Cast Score: 9.24
Cast Scores – By Question

Cast Scores – By Attraction

Cast Review:
The cast of Face Your Fears Hotel of Terror sure gave us one of the most intense experiences we have encountered in a haunted attraction. There were a few times we asked ourselves, “Are we going to survive to tell our tale?” The Hotel was filled with scare actors, and sometimes, we felt the only downtime was going up and down the stairs to the multiple levels of the attraction.
Many cast members were quiet during our venture through the interior portions but didn’t need to talk. They were intimidating enough due to their sinister stares, creepy caliber, and manic movements. Once we got outside, the crew became verbally interactive. Their dialogue was demanding and threatening, forcing us to do things. The interactions formed a believable balance. Only one iteration threw us a bit, and it was a loud “Fresh meat.” Although we were fresh, thank you very much; this phrase is overused.
Some of the most memorable of the diabolical crew made us feel incredibly uneasy about the way they violated our personal space, strategically spreading fear within everyone in our group. We were pulled, separated, forced to crawl, placed in headlocks, locked into a cage, had fingers run through our hair, and repeatedly had chainsaws come in contact with various parts of our bodies. The ghouls in the wine cellar strategically provided our group with scares from above and below! They knew this area very well and were insane, jumping from barrel to barrel and coming out of random doors.
As the vortex tunnel spun us into dizziness, Kalypto stopped us in the middle, screaming at one of our group members to “Get on your knees,” forcing them to crawl while barking. We’re not sure how she works this scene so well, but seeing an actress this intense and acrobatic in a non-stop, spinning room is amazing. One of the possessed nuns was doing a creepy, backbend spider crawl, and a spider lady had us backing away from her as she made these hideous chattering noises while she spoke.
Many of the scare actors also utilized props efficiently. Shit got real when we entered a bar-like scene, and after continuing to walk, minding our own business, two crazies suddenly whipped out rifles and held us at gunpoint! Others wielded cleavers, a mallet, a sword, or other weapons.
We can’t say enough about this incredible group of cast members. Everyone was determined to interact with our group in one way or another. Most of them focused on how they could scare the piss out of us. It’s undoubtedly one of those “no man left behind” situations. Everyone gets scared here.
Costuming Score: 9.49
Costuming Scores – By Question

Costuming Scores – By Attraction

Costuming Review:
The costumes at the Hotel were just as sinister and believable as their counterparts. A nice blend of airbrushed designs and maniacal masks gave the creatures a disturbing look. The costuming matched the scenes and props well.
We were informed that it takes about 4 hours to fully costume this crew. Regarding the makeup, these were some of the best airbrush designs we’ve seen at a haunt this intense! Despite these crazed lunatics sweating all night, their makeup was on point! The first lady we encountered looked like a princess of darkness, complete with long fingernails and a spiky headdress that complimented her airbrushed, almost scaly appearance. It was stunningly sinister!
While the costumes varied in complexity, even the ghostly monks in the wine cellar, who had less complex costumes than others, wore quality robes with layers. Their latex masks, although not the most detailed, were the type that left us playing a good game of “real or not.” Most of their skin was covered, and we noticed a lot of intricate features such as tattered clothing, ripped sleeves, colored contacts, makeup starting at the face and spreading down the front of the body, words painted on clothing, UV details, bloody aprons, and more!
A cat featuring a silicone mask caught us off-guard as we weren’t expecting a hairless cat to hold us at gunpoint. Another look that caught our eye was the spider lady, featuring a realistic spider face and laced gown. She also had a spider in her hand, yuk! The nuns were another unnerving duo. The fiend creating sparks was one of the most unique looks of the night, featuring airbrush details throughout with a very well-fitted mask that we’d never seen before.
Customer Service Score: 9.53
Customer Service Scores – By Question

Customer Service Scores – By Attraction

Customer Service Review:
After winding through the backroads of Ohio, our GPS led us to a hard-to-miss painted bus and a large lit sign by the road, marking the entrance to the old hotel. They offer plenty of free field parking but accept cash donations for a charity (details are outlined on signs upon pulling in). We followed several parking flaggers to a spot, excitedly oblivious to our fate.
The premises were easy to navigate. We spotted a large ticket banner next to a covered shelter and approached it. There, the lines were clearly marked for online ticket holders and those who still needed to purchase tickets. An easy-to-read ticket sign was also notable.
All the staff we encountered were friendly and helpful, welcoming us with big smiles and sporting haunt attire. After getting our tickets, we were wanded by security before entering. A police vehicle was parked near the entrance, and an officer patrolled the grounds.
For customer convenience, a row of portable restrooms lined the waiting area, and they had a giant light on them, making it easy to see while inside!
This attraction utilizes a virtual wait system (more on this in E&V below), so there are no waiting lines. Instead, you must check in with staff near the entrance to reserve your group’s spot in line. We were informed of this when we received our tickets. When our check-in time approached, we were directed to separate queue chutes, each marked with a number. When our number was called, we could enter. This system worked well and added a sense of suspense as we waited in the wooden chutes, like cattle lined up for slaughter.
Although the attraction has multiple stories and varying levels of flooring, we felt safe walking through (minus the monsters). The stairs were sturdy and well-lit. The dizzying vortex had good rails as we tested them out quite a bit!
The ticketing information and hours of operation are easy to find on the website, along with an FAQ page. However, we didn’t see any photos, videos, or hints of the story or what to inspect inside the haunt, which would have been helpful teasers.
Immersion Score: 8.98
Immersion Scores – By Question

Immersion Scores – By Attraction

Immersion Review:
Face Your Fears is out in the middle of nowhere, Ohio, and we were getting creeped out just driving there in the daylight! Upon exiting our vehicle, we headed to the ticket booth, where a newly added structure had been built to protect those purchasing tickets from inclement weather. We immediately noticed several bloody and fully dressed queue actors roaming around and some spooky decor that increased the creepy vibes.
As we roamed the property, there was no mistake that we were fixing to enter a high-intensity haunted attraction. The old wooden hotel gives off a foreboding look. Loud rumbles of thunder cracked, and flashes of lightning illuminated the foggy air as we approached the dilapidated 1858 farmhouse. Two demonic gargoyles were all that were in between us and the ascent up the steps. Upon entrance, we were entirely immersed in an abandoned hotel’s sights and sounds. But it turns out, it’s not as deserted as it may first appear.
Spiderwebs freely covered all the furnishings on-site, and fog filled most of the rooms. We were exposed to various stairwells that seemingly led to nowhere! This wasn’t a typical hotel, nor was this a regular stay. We were fully encompassed in this hotel of horrors, and it certainly wanted us to stay! Screams of victims were also heard now and then. This building was fully immersive. From it’s location, looks, and everything in between, it’s a hotel full of your worst nightmares! Although it doesn’t have the typical hotel staff, we assure you it has picked up plenty of deranged tenants along the way that will make you uncomfortable during your stay!
Although the haunt doesn’t seem to have a backstory outlined anywhere, it plays out like a real-life horror movie. The Hotel will take you through its many corridors, which was evident during our visit. There were only a few instances where we wondered why we’d encountered what we did, such as the clowns.
Special FX Score: 9.46
Special FX Scores – By Question

Special FX Scores – By Attraction

Special FX Review:
Deep within the fog, a journey into the abyss of terror awaited. We could hear it emanating from within the building upon pulling into the parking lot! Did they have sounds? Check! Not only did they have them, but they also knew how to use them!
At times, our stay was a sensory overload. Realistic, loud, and eerie sounds permeated our ears. A loud bell and several aggressive poppers caught us off-guard. The thunder and lighting were an excellent match for the outdoor section; we could feel the bass coursing through our bodies (along with fear)! On the hotel’s first floor, thick fog worked well with thematic lighting to provide quite a tranquil trek; however, it turned out to be treacherous instead! Trust nothing!
At times, we couldn’t see our aggressors due to the lighting in the scenes. The folks here are experts on using lighting as a distraction and a masking tool; good luck!
From the outside looking in, very few would guess how many special effects they were getting ready to face inside this hotel, but let us assure you, you’re in for a ride! Nearly every wall we looked at was detailed. This was a hauntingly handsome hotel. Cobwebs added an undisturbed layer to eerie corridors. Mummified corpses, bricks, slatted walls, cleverly hidden drop panels, and genuine attributes of the original hotel lined the walkways. Old wallpaper, creepy wall paintings, and original windows showed the Hotel’s age.
Props and animations were effectively utilized. A giant rat, a flailing man, and a wall of zombies were excited to see us. We noticed a possessed bed, flickering lights, and moving books showcasing paranormal activity. The animatronics were loud, timed well, and featured great placement. We also encountered other special effects, such as a bouncing bridge, smells, realistic decor, a giant chandelier, and more. One room showcased so much scenery that we could spend hours looking at everything.
Although it’s still there, the elevator is no longer in use. We did miss this feature, but we understand that it can get in the way of line flow inside the attraction.
Scare Factor Score: 9.34
Scare Factor Scores – By Question

Scare Factor Scores – By Attraction

Scare Factor Review:
Our stay was a full assault on the senses! Personal bubbles don’t exist for those who upgrade to the touch pass. This hotel will reach out and grab you. You’ve been warned! There’s no such thing as too many people stuck within those walls.
Before we entered, we were given the rules and warned of the horrors awaiting us. You could be pulled away from your group, forced back through scenes, and trapped in various confinements; ask us how we know! It’s also true that you’re going to scream your head off. Is it scary? Yes!
On many occasions, our sight was hindered by the strategic use of fog. The scareactors were so fast that they surprised us time and time again, attacking from all angles. Inside, drop panels were utilized by both the actors and animatronics. They were well hidden behind walls and portraits, so we didn’t even see them coming! Is the haunt predictable? No! At one point, an actress suddenly appeared from behind a wall and nearly jumped out of it to attack us! They’re not normal here, we’re telling you! Some of them managed to get double- and triple-taps, too!
The realistic weapons highlighted above increased uneasiness, especially the shotguns that were pointed at us. Did we already mention all the chainsaws? Not only were they hard to predict and see coming (despite us being able to hear them), but they also got the gas-guzzling machines very close to us. We could feel the heat coming off of them. At times, the bar was placed on our skin in various places! Sparking knives and various power tools also efficiently added intensity to the scares.
This is quite an interesting mixture of scares. Inside, the Hotel starts out quieter and calm, with a sense of uneasiness. Then, upstairs, we started getting attacked from multiple angles regularly. Outside was a full-on assault that escalated to a sense of dread and the question of “Where is the exit?” because we were ready to escape these madmen! The haunt showcased a unique and effective finale quite different from the rest of the house. Although we don’t want to spoil it, be prepared for more blood and gore!
Entertainment & Value Score: 9.18
E&V Scores – By Question

E&V Scores – By Attraction

E&V Review:
A trip through this torture trap sometimes felt never-ending, which is good! This is a perfect case of “don’t judge a haunt by its appearance.” Although the Hotel looks the part, it doesn’t look as big as it is on the inside. However, two of us spent 19 minutes trying to escape while the group member they separated for us was out in 21 minutes. The time you spend inside can vary, including when they feel like setting you free.
At the time of our visit, general admission tickets were $20. Fast Passes could be purchased for $30, and VIP tickets were $40. A touch pass is an extra $2 and is totally worth it if this sounds like your style. Considering our average walkthrough time, this brings the MPD (minutes of entertainment received per dollar spent) to $1 per minute. Although this number is on the lower side for the area, they bring it with the intensity! This was worth the admission price; we’d do it again if we had the time!
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Face Your Fears adopted the virtual queue system they still use today. This means there is no traditional standing in lines. With the virtual queue, you are free to roam the grounds. They had multiple food trucks during our visit, a merch stand, and several other vendors. They also have a large fire setup with seating so you can sit down and rest up before your torment. There are also covered places to sit in case of rain.
Aside from the multiple queue entertainers who interacted with us, they had horror movies playing on a big screen to give us something to watch while we waited.
Last year, this attraction was tied at the #11 spot out of all haunts reviewed in 2022. They also received the highest score in Ohio. There is no doubt that this is a must-see haunted house. Even if you don’t get the touch pass, you’re in for one hell of a treat!
Pack your courage and bravery; you’ll need them when you check in! The Hotel will chew you up and never spit you out!
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Highest Rated Costuming (Midwest)

Scariest Haunt (Midwest)
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Best Assault on the Senses
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Scariest Haunt in Ohio

Highest Rated Costuming (Midwest)

Scariest Haunt (Midwest)
Most Agressive Chainsaws
Most Immersive Additions
Most Intimidating Cast
Best Finale
Best Makeup
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Highest Rated Haunt in OH

Scariest Haunt in OH
Best Assault on the Senses
Best Expansion
Scariest Haunt in Ohio