Team Scaredy Cat

This Team is Inactive / Not* actively reviewing for The Scare Factor.
Team Members: Amy Gourley (Team Leader) and Chris Ramsey.

Experience Level: Apprentice Team (Started Reviewing Haunts in 2023)
Normal Coverage Area: Arkansas, Oklahoma

Background: While Chris’s love for Halloween and Haunted Attractions started as a child, Amy’s first haunted house experience was when she first met Chris! She fell in love with haunts and all things spooky almost as fast as she fell in love with Chris! Now, four years later, they are avid haunt enthusiasts, even visiting 27 haunted houses in 2019 across four states! Both lifelong residents of Northwest Arkansas, they are excited to be the first Arkansas Scream Team! They truly consider themselves a Halloween couple and are excited to be members of the Scare Factor Scream Team family.
Contact Information:
Attractions Reviewed by This Team: