Team Skulleton Crew

Team Members: Vince Mull (Team Leader), Jstar, and HauntTripp.

Experience Level: Veteran Team (Started Reviewing Haunts in 2022)

Normal Coverage Area: Georgia

Background: As Georgia natives, the Skulleton Crew team have always had an affinity for the creative and creepy. They started out visiting 2-3 haunted attractions for a few years, but expanded to see as many haunts as possible within a night’s driving distance. For the past 10 years, Jstar and Vince have toured haunts across the US and seen multiple haunts each year, noting how scenes have changed and improved from year to year. They have had the chance to talk with haunt owners and experience many behind-the-scenes tours during their travels. They have also attended Hauntcon and Mid-West Haunters Convention, and Transworld attending seminars and interacting with haunt owners.

The team also enjoys the challenge of escape rooms… especially those rooms with haunted themes!

Jstar is the former owner and artistic director of the Basement Theatre. He has taught improv classes for adults, teens, autistic teens and corporate groups. He is skilled in acting and prop & interior design.

HauntTripp is an educator and has been a yard haunter for many years, becoming a seasonal highlight of his neighborhood. He spends his spare time crafting and creating props and trading ideas with other haunters.

Vince is an educator with backgrounds in science and music, an appreciation for human anatomy, and a collector of human skulls (don’t worry…no real ones!) He has experience with evaluation and leadership/management. He loves good (and bad) horror films!

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