Team Creepy Clowns

Team Leader: Stevi Rady

Other members: Shane Rady

Experience Level: Apprentice (Start Date: September 24, 2023)

Normal Coverage Area: Central Tennessee

Status: Active


We are both originally from Pittsburgh, PA, and moved to Tennessee almost 2 years ago. I fell in love with
the state after 1 visit, and made it my goal to live here one day. My love for haunts came around 12 years old when my Dad took me to my first haunt. I remember loving it so much I wanted to go through again! In 2011 I became a scare actor at Kennywood Phantom Fright Nights, and worked there for 10 seasons. I started in a haunted house there and then moved to a roving actor through the park. This is also where I met Shane!

Shane started volunteering at a local haunt, just thinking it would be a good time, and then after a few seasons moved up to being a paid actor. Eventually he found his way to Kennywood to be a scare actor. He worked for 9 seasons there as a rover. 

We have traveled over many states to try new haunts and have loved every minute of it, we love seeing
the new themes and ideas every year. We both share the love of haunts and all that comes with them! We even got engaged at our favorite haunt!

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