Team Kiss of Death

Team Members: Chelsea Goeden (Team Leader) & Brandon Crabtree

Experience Level: Veteran Team (started reviewing haunts in 2021)

Normal Coverage Area: East Tennessee

Background: Chelsea was first interested in all things spooky in high school 2005. She began frightening the neighborhood children on her mom’s front porch every Halloween night in her small hometown in South Dakota. In college, she convinced a local motel to put together a small haunt where she was part of the decorating and planning. She was then a cast member for 2 years at this location. She also volunteered in several small haunts in the area of Custer, SD. Once she decided to move to Tennessee 3 years ago, she began visiting local haunted attractions. Last year, she visited at least 10 haunts in East Tennessee. She is looking forward to continuing that tradition as a team member of The Scare Factor!

Brandon is Chelsea’s partner in crime. He didn’t realize his love for haunted houses until last year when Chelsea dragged him to all those locations. He is already asking when haunt season is starting and looks forward to helping Chelsea in deciding which haunt is the best this year!

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